FarmFest 2016

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lIlIlXIlIlXIlIlXIlIlI, Apr 23, 2016.

  1. ~FarmFest 2016~

    Yes! You read it right! FF 2016 is almost upon us!

    This is not the official thread that I will be posting, this is a message from all of us at FF HQ..

    Obviously, because of the nature of FF we have set up a group on a third party app to discuss the festivities!

    As a part of our festivities we are having a warm up, (as you can imagine a lot of players are still wet behind the ears) so we are challenging any FF participant...

    -farm, pin and take down any PvP "OSF's"

    Rules -

    You must have visible proof of any "OSFs" you take down - earn your name in their banner or a complaint on your wall.

    If you don't know how to take down a OSF or a OAF then please remove yourself from FF as you will never be allowed to live it down.

    Here are the FF judges. Please follow them so they can advise on how to send them your proof

    Me - F0XY-R0X3Y
    DC - dragon-Code
    Vix - RedHotVixen Machine
    Wid - Widow-Maker-M-W
    Red - tornado
    Blazey - RussianSpy
    Ashes - AshesOfEden
    CG - CanadianGal
    Sav - Savage
    Ris - Rissa
    Wib - Wibutos
    Crys - crystalee

    We will be announcing the warm up winner after the PvP event.

    You will be crowned in the FF 2016 thread, for glory and for the LOLz

    May the odds, be ever in your favour.

    Signed - Pure Evil ~ *KissFarmKiss*
  2. Let's get farming shall we :)

  3. Russian spy? Lmao
  4. Just a little mad are you Grizzly.
  5. Wait, open spy farms and open attack farms are still a thing?
  6. What have I got to be mad about the?

  7. Apparently so....
  8. That a Fury 'Noob' got picked over you in a farming event as a Judge. :moonface:
  9. Why would I want to be a judge? Lol you make no sense the.
  10. Are you even gonna participate Grizzly, or are you just going to hit Red Apheriun all day long getting 'strip funds' 
  11. TheRealist trying to pluck at straws to make himself relevant 
  12. Lol I like that your other comment made no sense because I called nobody a "noob" so I switched it up . I'll tell you want I'm going to do, I'm going to play my game how I want because well its my game.
  13. No support. This tread has no effort and it really doesn't highlight anything that's really that important

  14. This "Tread" has plenty of effort, it has as much as your conception had.
  15. This is off topic and you clearly aren't good with constructive criticism

    The fact is. You really shouldn't be advertising that you're incapable of handling such a job as dealing with other people especially as you're a judge and it could be seen as you being biased.

    Well done for dragging farm fest into the dirt
  16. Because you're delusional, I'll spell it out for you. Apocalypse's conception is that Zury are 'noobs' and you're killing them. Hence why I used them in my reply, didn't have to do with your comment, I was using a common misconception in my statement.
  17. ^Your thread does lack effort.

    You dont mention much on the history of ff for newer players, you dont play the nostalgia card with older players, no bbcodes, no pictures etc.

    I dont know why but I find the rules title funny.
  18. I didn't call anyone a noob though so you're wrong.

  19. I think what C0ML3Y is trying to say is this..

    I understand that FarmFest is about the unity of farmers coming together to have a good old 'Farm' of a time. I love Pure Evil and I understand that they are about the smack talk and the action, wether they be judges or not.

    C0ML3Y dear...

    You don't support FF, I get that.

    FF don't support you either.
  20. I don't BB code, if this thread was supposed to be pretty I'd have had a better threader then me get their crayons out