
Discussion in 'Wars' started by DJ_DOGGY, May 17, 2012.

  1. If u farm u get hunted by us
  2. I farm. Come at me.
  3. I'm a Daily farmer, Come at me bro
  4. Come at me bro!
  5. I never farm. Too scared....
  6. Damn you killer 
  7. I grew a tomato plant once.
  8. Actually, I take that back. I do if I hate them....
  9. Y U SO SMALL?!?
  10. Wait, youre in Blood Orchid? I hope you know Aqua knows very well i farm and has done nothing about it, especially not "hunt" me.
  11.  i never farm...please don't hurt me.
  12. So many noobs and wannabes trying to make a name for themselves smh
  13. I'm one of thebiggest farmers out there come at me I dare you
  14. Yea yea yea WHY ARE YOU SMALL
  15. HAHAHA. Look at his banner, then look at his forum post :lol: What a hypocrite...
  16. See what you made me do now you litte runt...

    I just farmed your #10. And burned quite a few of his pots. Tsktsktsk.

    I hope your proud of your self. Noob.
  17. If the op tries to retaliate ill sit on him lol bwhahaha
  18. How do you propose to stop farmers? 5 hit us once a day until we scream for mercy?