Farmer Journey 4 PvP

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Romah, Aug 24, 2015.

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  1. This time sucks because some players hire away ally to open hansel built just to get rid of the dtw.
    I did not have this problem on previous PvPs. They just hit and find other players to hit, or come back later. This time, I got more than 50 hits, after I log out.
    I am dissapointed on their behaviour. They do not respect our so much effort to invest on an ally, and take it away in just a few hours. I need to spend months to hire a good ally .....
    One player hire is OK if choose a small ally, but when the big one is taken away, the hansel is opened for such a long time, everyone else come join the hits.
    Still feeling upset.
    Developers may come up with an idea to avoid this, like default the PvP opt in players ally become unavailable for hire? (not just hide, but not hire-able)
  2. If you hide them they can't hire. Isn't it simple. Yes Im annoyed with people hiring allies during PVP events. Allies become unhireable during Pvp event? Not happening buddy. So someone can hire an allie from an owner and opt into pvp and the original owner won't get the allies back until a few days later? Thats completely messing with the allies system and may create possible exploits.

    So in all - its simple. Dont want hires? Hide your allies.
  3. Tell me about it.
    I went to sleep, and when wake up, got 200 bill.
    Turns out someone hired away my largest ally.
    I lost 80 billion overnight.
    Coz I have this ally this big like years to develop ......
    Funny thing, the one who hired it, did it again, lost me another 20 bill.
    I walled, and no more hiring. But damage already done.
  4. No support. Eagle, u are authorized to lock this.
  5. LoL,
    You can still hire when it is hidden ....
  6. So mean .....
  7. I own that bird. He will lock whichever thread i instruct it to
  8. To say op, this user has the idea, don't want allie hires, then hide them, cause if you don't hide people strip other players when it comes to these events, seriously they do and you ain't the only one that this happen to.

    This happen to me when all allies were hired and was instantly pinned but hey it's a war game and people play dirty or fair on these games, gotta make sure to come up with a good strategy.

    Will leave this open for 2 hours time.
  9. Yes. Lock it in 2 hours as i instructed u
  10. Let me say it again. PvP.

    P-V-P. Anything flies, can't handle it? Don't sign up and whine.
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