Discussion in 'Strategy' started by NBK_pro_NBK, Mar 14, 2012.

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  1. Farm xXCrisisXx he is a jerk and farmed me for no reason he threatened me saying i will farm you if u don't give me a $25 iTunes gift card of course i didn't have one so he farmed me and i said jerk and your a meanie and gok (get off kaw) and of course i get silenced. So one farm xXCrysisXx. 2 really since when did gok, jerk and meanie become bypassing?
  2. Read
  3. dtw
  4. Extortion. Take screen shots and email it to the devs.
  5. "WTF" is a bypass. Stupid noob, choke on your lies!
  6. Mod got dev to clear convo but ill post ss what ""bypassing"" news
  7. Re: FARM "

    Jerk gok and meanie a bypass?!??!??!!! Gosh I am so dead  and many of my friends and people on KaW that I don't know
  8. From your wall, it seems you called him a hacker. That's a false accusation, and silencable. However, he seems to be trying to scam some people out of their money if what you say is true. If you don't see being attacked in a war game as a criminal offense, you won't likely be scammed.
  9. I never said wtf
  10. I saw what you posted on his wall, he still has the bypass on his wall.
  11. Yes you did. Check again.
  12. You had it coming. And farming is fun, very much NOT against the ToU
  13. Yea i called him a hacker cuz he said he would make clear my map then hack me to no money
  14. I said wtf because of 
  15. Which is a bypass. Derp
  16. Yea the mod said the bypass was when i said gok, jerk and meanie thats y its deleated
  17. I congratulate Crisis on yet another victory
  18. NBK stop being wa wa over getting farmed ONCE
  19. Okie dokie, i love noob raging lies! :D

    1) we were talking abkut swapping my clan for an itunes giftcard. dont try to tell people i threatened you.

    2) you bypassed multiple times on my wall, even EXPLAINING what one of your acronyms stood for!

    3) mods cant make the devs do anything.

    4) you do know that the devs have the ability to pull up history right?

    5) falsely accusing someone is potentially a bannable offense. i may report you.

    6) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE show screenshots of me threatening you and.of your version of how you "bypassed" and i will immediately reset and leave kaw forever.

    Moral of the story is this: noob rage is hilarious, and noob lies are arguably even better.
  20. Does da wittle babee hav a fwowny fac? Heer lemme hep!
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