Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Assassin112345 (01), Aug 3, 2011.

  1. Dear devs( I don't really mean the dear bit obviously),

    I've been playing around with your game for a little while now, and I think it's kind of broken, I've decided to offer my practical knowledge on how to fix your game, I mean really fix it and turn it back to what it was really like and how it is supposed to be played, as such the offer is now on the table you may contact me by posting on my wall with a non generic email address...and if you need a bit more help I can also explain to you how to spot udid fakers and multiple accounts on one device, without much work on your side if things.. however if you would prefer for people to cheat , or for your game to stagnate please ignore this message/attempt at giving you your game back.
  2. Report the cheaters...
  3. There's an easier way to get the cheats and it only takes a few minutes from the devs to do it... What's the point of reporting If nothing gets done, if they just get the cheated accounts back after a few days?
    We can tell you how to get the cheats, but you have to get rid of them.
  4. We are listening, we are aware of the problems and it will be dealt with. I recently made a post about this in our news section.
  5. I know I report the hell out of arsh. And she's still (possibly) botting or a crack addict
  6. U know your thread is good when kaw admin posts on it :)
  7. Devs I need an address to post to, I'm not going to give this info away, your team and mine have worked on different ways of doing things and looked at different options no doubt.
    You can contact me via my account and we can discuss more there.
  8. Sweet. The real devs, not some stupid hex. Anyways, nice Sin. I hope it helps
  9. Assassin resurfaces

  10. It's great that you posted on this kaw_admin but I think it would help the game out a lot and make the game go a lot smother if you do it more often :)
  11. Did I mention arsh is (possibly) on a bot right now?
  12. *smoother