Fang idea

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by GoldenTroll, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. Hello, just like many of you here, i am sick of the same question that seems to come up more than ads do. "What do fangs do?" That comes up all the time even though its in forums and WC announcement. So my idea to prevent people from asking this is a pm from KaW telling them what they are what they're for how to get them blah blah blah. It should e like when you got silenced KaW would send you a pm giving you reason and stuff. That's how I think it should work. Im on device so i cant use fancy be codes or anything. Sorry. Please post suggestions and show feedback.
  2. Do not bump, people dont answer if they dont like the idea. Which is why your thread doesnt get any replies
  3. I think it's a fangtastic idea