FanFic Ettiquette

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -DaveStrider-, Mar 4, 2012.

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  1. So, as of recently, I noticed more and more newbies have migrated and/or visited FF from time to time. As well as the common species know as "Troll" and "Failtroll", these newbies have not yet learned the rules and ways of our tiny FanFic community. They see a story and are compelled by misterious forces to-the horror-Comment on the story! :O

    These terrible posters have no respect for a clean story, and voice their opinion on the story! These horrible creatures disregard all Feedback/Discussion threads and tell the OP just how their story is--RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STORY! :0

    So, I came to the conclusion that there needs to be a FanFiction ettiquette guide. Here it is!

    FanFic Ettiquette

    Posting on the Story

    Most experienced FanFic authors [bDO NOT[/b] like it when they are posting a very good story, and then smack-dab in the middle, some annoying nublet decides, "Oh, look, a story! I'll go read it and say what I think of it on the story itself! I don't care if the OP doesn't want me to! I don't want to post on the Feedback/Discussion thread!" And so, the ignorant little noob goes right ahead and posts on the story. HOWEVER, some posters WILL SAY in the first post that you CAN post on the story, they don't care. IN THIS CASE ONLY you may post on the story. Most to all other cases, the original post will say to comment somewhere else, like a Feedback thread.

    Leaving Comments

    When you leave a comment on the Feedback thread, most OP's want actual FEEDBACK, not just a small comment. For example, this is what you might say: "Story was crappy, don't read it." Instead of just giving that, it helps the OP if you say something like this: "I didn't like it very much; it was confusing and dull. Maybe you could add some more detail and description?" This would help the OP make his/her/its story better.

    Thanks for reading, I hope that covers the two main things! Any BBCode fails will be fixed on my computer alt so I can edit. Version 2.0 will be coming soon! (I just need to get my lazy ass up and plug in my computer and log in :lol: )

    Please leave supportive feedback and I'll try to make it better :)

    {Note: any rude comment about the horrible nublets, newbies, trolls and failtrolls were meant as a joke xP}
  2. This is really true. I hate it when people just go, "This story sucks, why are you even writing it?" It's called fan fiction, duh. That's kinda the point. And when they give critisism it's not even constructive critisism.

  3. Being on FanFiction since about a moth after it's creation, I agree with this entirely.
  4. Thanks guys!
  5. I think something like this was made a long time ago. But I suppose having it again isn't a bad thing since its a continuous problem.
  6. ^Says the one who posted on a story just a few hours ago
  7. this story was crappy.

    jus kidding, nice job though :)
  8. This is good. I really hate it when people do this 

    And HI CHEESE 

    -Swag x
  9. All I will say is... Lolz soo true ;)
  10. I didn't post a story a few hours ago
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