I just had a brainwave. Maybe I'm crazy (which is likely I just spent an entire with with a bunch of marching band geeks) but I think this is an amazing idea. 2 teams of X number of contestants. 2 judges. I character per person. Each writer would choose their favorite (personal) story character and submit it here. I would (randomly) divide up everyone into two teams. These teams would then battle it out as they write their characters battling it out. Each person would have to write one chapter (of considerable length) no more than a week after the person before them. The two judges would rate the chapter out of 5 stars. The average of the two scores would be their "final score" and would be added to their team's total score. I don't know when it would end, but we can figure that out later . Also, you can't post until the judges have posted their scores. Rules: No god modding No inappropriate behavior Minimal swearing No killing anyone Rubric: --Description --Character development --Plot development (also how well it fits with the previous chapter) --Writing flow --Grammar and Spelling (not as important but if there are too many mistakes that takes away from the piece) Now I haven't really decided anything yet, I just want feedback on how this sounds. Like I said, maybe I'm just crazy
Two teams of writers compete in a battle for the greatest amount of stars. Their characters compete in a battle (I'm thinking like a virtual reality scenario). One person writes a chapter at a time, and their chapter is scored based on the rubric.
I call Marcus he's mine I gave birth to him in a brain storm that nearly blew up my mind (world war dream)
Yep characters from stories you've written. If I wasn't judging I would use Velene Orsiko from the Dark Army
So all the people who wrote stories arent alowed in? Or does characters weve sumbited count? Also this idea has been out before and everyone god modded and without killing people u can still for example unconnect them from their body and trap them in an invinsible box forever
Los Tres Amigos for me. I'm gonna be Jerad from KaW Chronicles, Book One: Siege of the World. My three personalities (Jerad, James, and Jasper) will trump all others.
Lol for a setting I was thinking like a video game where you can be killed but you reappear at the "respawn" area. It's more of a group story than anything except with judges to determine points. There would be no reason to god mod because you don't get stars for kills, you get them for good writing. That's basically my idea
@Ordo I was thinking that those who haven't created a story could make their own (completely new) character since everyone who has written a story would have to submit their own previous characters to make sure they aren't overpowered.
@Kill you could kill people, but they wouldn't be gone forever. They would just respawn at a designated location.