Is it just me or is Fan Fiction just getting flooded by awful stories? Where is Gloomi, iZaln, Marian, bastion, the idiot from Germany, and the other great story tellers? I dunno if all of their stories are getting pushed back by preteen ******** or if they, like myself, are planning something through without posting every "idea" and calling it a story, like the writers that have been posting this week.
He's saying my story sucks? Im ma farm him NAOOOO! PS... I think we've all had enough sign-up fantasy world/twilight stories...
Didn't help that one user and her alts spammed the forums, mainly in Fan Fiction with her fail stories.
Hey! I'm a pre-teen! Oh, and I'm working on a story, just gotta work through a major case of writers block before I post anything.
Amberstar and her alt cinderpelt (now wolfstar) is a user who massive spammed, had her main banned, then used her alt and pretended it wasn't an alt.
No I included you guys in it. I couldn't remember everyone by name. Lol. And krypton when are you writing more of the gamers?