Fan Fic

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Spottedleaf2 (01), Jun 27, 2011.

  1. Disclaimer: I made this thread instead of posting on everyones feedback threads. Please don't get mad! I am not trying to stop posting here on KaW. Also I am NOT trying to advertise the website mentioned.

    I just wanted to tell you guys about Fan Fiction sites. You're writing is amazing, and it should be displayed in as many places as possible. is a place where writers can share their stories online. (Again, I'm not trying to advertise, it's just my favorite Fan Fic website) I think you guys should post your stories up on the Internet somewhere. They will receive more attention and appreciation than they do here on KaW. I'm not saying that you should stop posting here but I'm just trying to say many more people will read and review your story there. Any Fan Fic website is made just for talented writers. KaW, well, isn't.

    As you have probably noticed, the KaW community has little to no regard for the Fan Fic portion of forums. You're writing would be appreciated more on a website for writing. There are Thanks for reading!

    This thread was purely informational. I am NOT trying to advertise or persuade you writers to move elsewhere because I, for one, enjoy your writing here on forums.

    Again, I'm sorry if this comes off as me trying to shove you of forums which, I assure you, am not trying to do. It might help you grow as a writer or it might not. I'm just informing you of opportunities.
  2. Yes your right. There are web sites such as wattpad and Quizilla
  3. You would think that would be the case, and it probably is for most people. Just not for me I guess.

    I put some of my stuff on wattpad awhile ago. Mostly poems, but I did put other stuff up. I was basically ignored. I get waaay more feedback here.

    But I'm sure this isn't the case with everybody. Thanks for the helpful suggestions.