F2P and P2W is different.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Run, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. I always see people talking about how expensive this game is... so money sucking etc.

    I wanna discuss about that.
    KaW is essentially an ☆ONLINE☆ ☆GAME☆

    Firstly any game developer has one idea in mind.
    making money. Its the cruel truth. Everyone is a greedy lil ****

    Its no lie this game is F2P.

    But that doesn't mean its not P2W. (Pay to win)

    I always see people raging bout not wanting to spend money on this game etc. Remember no one is forcing you.

    Be happy that you can play without paying any $$$$
    And don't be greedy and ask for more. :)
  2. I say we kill those complaints and let the devs add in ads that pop up in the middle of ee and during item phases of hte.
    Good news everyone, no more paying.
    Bad news, there's a clash of clans ad in the way of your ee target.
    But hey, you can't win everything. Right?
  3. The main thing is yes this game is f2p but the events are very clearly p2w. That is what people complain about the most. You can do well if you invest time but in the events it's always weighted towards hte and rotwb.
  4. No way, the stuff you drop cash for gives more stuff?
    Call the police, there's some unethical **** goin down.
  5. 5 years and I've never heard anyone complain how expensive this game is
  6. You must not read around much. I've been seeing these types of complaints for years.
  7. I've got clannies complaining of hitting 10,000$.... Lol!
    While I've only brought a pro pack 
  8. Your build shows it
  9. nobody forced u to join the event.
  10. Who cares? Theres no winning this game anyways. Id call hitting the top 1k on any leaderboard a win. Lol
  11. liek if u cri evrytiem