extremely difficult is extreme lol

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by runnybunny, Jun 1, 2010.

  1. Extrememly low
  2. If u have less than 50% troops it is impossible.
  3. Up -> bs. I won extremely difficult with last 2k troops few times.
  4. Don't waste ur time and troops on extremely difficult quests. Not worth it when u can work on the difficult and easier ones. Are u stucked at the icy King stage quests? Hehe. If so go battle and have fun there. Just be careful of pots. Lol.
  5. Dunno what the big deal is. I completed all 70 quests in 2 days after mastery was released....
  6. What was your build then, Wrathbane?

    And what was your atk bonus from allies?

    Just trying to see what one would need to master that last quest... 
  7. Lower on troops than the one I currently have. Something like 12 Factories 12 Guilds. And my ally bonus was far lower than now ;)