Extend EE of ASW non-participants

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __BobWhite__, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. I think that the EE levels on the non-participants of the ASW should be extended (at minimum 4 days). This is because there will be no opportunity for players to renew EE due to an event we are unable to participate in. Many players EE will expire during this time frame and there is nothing they can do to prevent it.

  2. I also think that all players that currently lack an EE level, should be given level 1 EE, because we lack an opportunity to achieve it in war, At the very least for 4 days.
  3. @RESET

    That's a bit of a stretch. I support op though
  4. Support 
  5. U new for over a week about asw and chose not to war for two weeks ? Now u want free stuff no support
  6. Yeah we knew about asw coming up and there would be no EE wars. But then you can argue what if the time didn't work with their RL schedule..should they be punished because wars are not available on the times they always war.
  7. Im only following OP down the logical line of reasoning. Just showing the absurdity in such a proposition and the possibility, that follows from such.
  8. It wasn't revealed until this week that the ASW will replace all wars, and other players can't participate in any sort of war.

    Free stuff? I want an extension until we are able to war again.
  9. You had 2 days with 6 different times to war.. Not to mention entire last week. Be proactive instead of wanting free things eh
  10. Everyone was given a 4 day notice about ASW. Not to mention they were all individual wars so ANYONE could sign up and have their EE renewed whether they were active or not. I saw this as a big slap in the face by the devs because of all the people I thought might do that. If someone was not smart enough to easily renew their EE then they deserve to have it expire.

    I rest my case.
  11. Another sh thinking they need more free **** or some other form of free stuff. No support at all.
  12. No support
  13. Lmao I don't see how all you'll think this is free, they have no chance to war for at least 96 hours.
  14. No support. Devs even gave a no ee loss and xstal returned war that you didn't participate in. Too bad, so sad.
  15. Haha I'm a mid with lvl 5 ee :p op is mad