Experience at warring

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IronBars, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. Last indi war I was in the difference between both teams was the experience of the players. In my opinion that was the deciding factor. There has been also a lot of talk about new players in indi wars.

    How do we get an even match. Maybe people should get experience points for warring in EE wars. That should be a factor for devs to use when matching up. That way indi wars becoma more attractive :D

    What do you think ? Let me know.
  2. i like it bars. Support
  3. I think the new players are gaining experience from their losses.
  4. I think it's fair enough already: everyone has an equal chance of getting "noob" warriors on their side.
  5. And how so they gain experience and get better if they're paired with others who are having the same issues. Sounds like the blind leading the blind. Kaw is a mentor type game now that it's so vast, this is an opportunity.
  6. I disagree Ty. Now it is a gamble, nothing fair about it. Imagine having scars for warring from season 1 up to now. Could be done as an achievement.
  7. I'm sure each play learns a bit more with each war.
  8. Not bragging here, but...

    I'm a self proclaimed great warrior in EE Wars, but I don't war often, as my equipment shows.

    So I guess that just means that I'll be stuck with newer players... I don't think that would be very good, sorry.
  9. You can win with noobs and you can loose with experienced players

    To win all you need to do is listen to the wc
  10. Phoenix your an experienced noob who wars with lb stacked clan
  11. Phoenix is not experienced with me. That is gross.
  12. No support, Indy system is fine. Doesn't get much fairer then random