exclusive owner privilege

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Wraith, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. Hey all, excuse this posy for being short, gonna make this short, sweet, and to the point.
    So we all have those times where we got that 1 person that won't shut up no matter what.

    So i think that clan owners alone should have an exclusive privilege to Silence some players in clan, here is how i would set it up.
    Go to clan roster
    go by the persons name u want to silence
    click manage
    In the list of options pick silence

    When the owner is ready to unsilence, just simply click unsilenced option

    This would be a great convenience to all clans/clan owners alike.

    Feel free for anyone else to show support and post privileges and changes u think should happen.
  2. Post* you* you*