Exalted Almanack Drops every hour.

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by llIlII_Daddys-Princess_llIIlI, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. New clan, come get your buff. Drop if you want. Wanting help after event for unlocks. Drop on in. 
  2. If you had seen other forum clan ads they have effort and pretty pictures next time more effort. I hope you do well

    Live long and prosper.
  3. The whole pint is this is for PvP. Normal clan threads are meant to recruit perms
  4. I still want pretty colours...
  5. Support btw. This is a great way to help people.
  6. #noodled?
  7. (59x24)3=4248 nobs, so this would be a rather expensive clan to run, it will require $432. I'm sure devs would be happy with that cash.
  8. ^That's about how much it took to get the Top 10 in one of these events without the help of others a couple weeks ago.
  9. We want your stats not to suck as well but don't see that happening anytime soon.