Evolving EE

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Oxyr, May 6, 2015.

  1. Right now, I can open up a new call of duty game for my Xbox, and I can immediately have fun playing multiplayer online.

    That's all some people want to do. They like to be competitive, and they want to prove they are better than other people.

    This game is constantly evolving, and we have to now keep up with clash of clans, and other gigantic war games that make being competitive very easy from the get go.

    Now, farming is awesome for new players, as that's a competitive aspect of it. But right now, we are immediately volleying all new players, and showing them where they can get their growth started. While that is great, it will only retain a few players.

    For others, they will miss the competitiveness that they need, and move on.

    To fix this I propose a new EE format. This will make it immediately accessible for every different player, and up the retention rates.

    Right now if a normal eb build goes EE, they get torn up. Then they get yelled at by the experienced players. Then they never try again. Ya, something is off, when a very addictive part of the game actually hurts some players more than helps them.

    So if I jumped in COD right now, I would be able to choose my class, some weapons, and go and fight with some random people.

    We need to make EE similar to this by this system:

    Today there's a war at 2am my time. KAW will send me a push notification, and in game reminders (such as banners in WC, or pm's) reminding us there's a war at 2am. Then I will get out of my clan, and sign up.

    Instead of just casting WOC and being ready to go, I am now taken to an options screen. I can choose from these options.

    Attack build high attack, low spies, low towers
    Hybrid build, half and half, low towers
    Tank attack build, low spies
    Tank attack build, 1/4 spies
    Pure spy, all spies
    Pure spy, towered

    And so on and so forth. Everyone will have the same comparable stats, and be put into matches together. This will match all different types of people with each other.

    For example, right now there are Tiers of knowledge in EE. The LB bracket all know how to war intimately (for the most part) and know what to do. The middle bracket mostly knows what to do. And the smaller brackets are people trying to figure it out, and since most don't know (or are unwilling to teach) these smaller brackets never get taught, and therefore they quit EE (low retention again)

    By mixing up all the players of all different skills, we are able to easily teach more people and make them that much more addicted. There will be no frustrations with "bad builds" and it is hard to really see when someone sucks at warring (making it a nicer environment)

    Now this system will replace all current war slots. With indi and primals alternating during the week. You can still war with your clan, and you can still war by yourself.

    Once a month, a week long event will be held (5 days) where you use your real stats, and equipment, and BFA (in round wars). This tournament will drop RANDOM large prizes (such as purses of 250 bil, random EB equipment, LEGENDARY random drops of EE equipment, random LARGE mith drops. smaller rewards such as, small gold purses, small mith bonuses, crappy equip, so forth)

    This will make it an EXCLUSIVE event, and will make people WANT to play it. Even during the off season.

    To sum up: 3 weeks of same level builds. Strategies are King, people of all different builds can EASILY enjoy EE. 1 week of a fun event where clans will want to participate and reap these legendary rewards, drops.

    If you guys like this, I'll email the devs. Please point out any holes so we can discuss them. Please explain why you do or do not like it, and if you think this would help KAW with a higher retention rate.
  2. Great idea fonzy support from me
  3. I love the concept fonz! However, there would probably be inevitable complaints from people who already have the war builds, plus it might get a little boring after a while, having nothing to really work towards in the off time. However, if we were to tweak your idea just a bit and make it only apply to indy wars, then it would not only give players new to ee a chance to experience it, but also would allow older players a chance to experiment with different builds. Then those players will be able to find the one they are most comfortable with, and make it the focus and goal of their "real" build, which can then be used for primals or round wars. This could help old and new KaW players enjoy the game again.
  4. Nice idea, season 1 and more so pre season of the first estocs tournament where the most raw and edgy format of the EE wars. Nowadays it's all about stacking of some description which I find makes EE boring( clan wars ). Also we have 5 players stuck in the LB indi bracket that really should be nowhere near it lol so it's a fix for that issue as well. The 5 day round war part needs a tweak so we don't get lb/sh or high bfa all sh clans cheating the system for the rewards. Maybe put the sh in one clan blow them up ;-)
  5. Hotty I would really like it to apply to primals as well, because the smaller clans can get a feel for that addicting team quality. Taking that away from a small clan is counter productive I think.

    However maybe 3 weeks is too long for us hardcore EE people to wait? Maybe we can have every weekend be normal? 
  6. Very true fonz, I see your point. Perhaps there could be a new sort of war option, like Trial Primal. Just like the indy wars I described, but applicable to clans instead of individuals. In actuality, these wars would likely resemble the original EE concept from Season 1, with clans simply being matched to other clans of similar strength and size.
  7. Nice idea Fonz

    I think its time we had more ee wars, other games have pvp arena which opens every hour or so. Use this idea on indi wars and have them run every hour or so and have primal and round in current format. The indi arena will provide the training grounds for those wanting to try it and at a time that is good for them. 
  8. Support. I want a helmet.
  9. Great idea, and a high quality post. I applaud the effort. Congrats again for finishing #1 in S4.

    I don’t necessary agree with the concept of being able to opt into war by picking a standardized build…. This essentially negates the effort and rewards / consequences of developing your build in a certain way (a source of personal pride for many players). For instance, I sacrifice plunder every hit given my towers, and my static defense pales compared to serious tanks. But the benefit is I am more difficult to KO in EE war, and only large hansels can steal from me. If I could choose what type of build to war with, then I would just have an eb fairy build and select a towered PS build for war….. I think people’s build choices should affect all aspects of their game experience (EB/EE/OSW) as this is fundamental to the game.

    Another thought I have with the standardized build types is it would remove the advantages experienced WC’s are able to exploit by matching their roster to the enemy. Who in their right mind would pick a non-towered attack build? Where are the juicy hansel plunder targets? Matching up build types against each other is the art of war, everything else is timing (tracking via computerized systems and pasting into cc), following orders and button mashing. I’m afraid if everyone was one of 5-6 preset build types all the orders would eventually be the same as well. (Towered hybrids do this, PS do this, etc. resulting in wars being decided by activity and connection speed).

    I also think the current indi system does a decent job via size based natural selection to slot players into their appropriate spots. A new player who doesn’t know how to war isn’t going to war in the big leagues because they aren’t large enough – but using standardized builds this could happen and they will still get smoked / incur the wrath of experienced teammates. Currently the bottom tiers of indi wars are the training grounds, and yes, rightfully so they are filled with inactives and people who don’t know how to SKO. But with anything, practice makes perfect, and if you want to improve your chances of warring with other experienced players then grow bigger. Also, getting yelled at is part of the experience, and a motivator for most to improve their performance.

    I do like the idea of the monthly mini tournaments, and think there should be more frequent smaller warring events outside 8-week long seasons. (I think this has been suggested before). The idea of earning a meaningful amount of gold (or build token) if hitting the highest performance tier along with smaller rewards for lower tiers would also be a huge motivator for players to war. But there is already the large plunder benefit already in place for having estoc edge....
  10. Support mate ️
  11. New ee format bring back 4 and 2 hour ee done.
  12. I don't ee because it's a pay to play system, you "have" to xtral to war with any clan doing round or primal.

    Even tried to enforce this in indi.

    You want more people playing war, you have to first make it free to join in. That's why most don't join. The pay to play ee system is a player fault not devs.
  13. The way I see it is that in war you start off with a full regen. The war lasts 1 hour so there is another "full" regen. The xtal gives you another "optional" regen. This is a 50% bonus in potential actions you can have extra over someone who doesn't have them. People need to get it into their heads that xtals are optional however they will give you an edge. Same way that HTE is optional and gives you an edge.
  14. It is optional kezz :lol: you try telling that to any clan running primal.

    They will have it as need, often on the cp of these clans it's stated you need to xtral.

    I've heard numerous times as well that if I want to ee I should quest for that xtral, not being funny, but they should try and quest for a xtral and tell me how much they enjoyed it.
  15. Always support the fonzone of the best
  16. I agree completely wolf honestly I do and questing for xtals?

  17. Sounds like somebody wants to stomp on noobs lol