
Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by In_StEsCoT_SaNe, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. I was just thinking about when I finished an eb. You know how some say "with a swift arrow your forces destroy the dragon" or something like that? Well what if there was a screen on your clan page, that is located in the screen after you press "manage". There will be another button and when your on the screen of it, it shows an army of "leaders". The more achievements you have the better your evolution. Each KaWer has there own "leader" at the front of the army is the owner then admins then members. When the leaders are members/admins they are shown in order of strength. When you have accomplished the claydor ebs your "leaders" will have obtained an item such as armor, weapons, or something else. After each series or certain amount of ebs your "leaders" will have obtained new equipment. And also your equipped equipment will show up on your leader. And even if you haven't done an eb at your current clan but have before, when the current clan has the achievement then your leader will wear the equipment from that eb.