evil hippie liberals vs the republicans

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_-sltydgx-_-, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. We did this in fc about a year ago  sad to say those dang hippies won.
    It was alot of fun though ! You really need to watch out when those hippie get hopped up on pachouli and government cheese  I stayed pinned most of the war.
    I won't be back in the states for a month or so.
    If anyone would be interested in a war please post . Any and all ideas are welcome. Trolls are always welcome .
    You can also post my wall. I don't check that much as its normally full of people telling me to "stop attacking or else" I don't think they realize this is a war game the battle list is there for a reason.
    I have 2 clans ATM. Fc warriors and The United States
  2. We could use those for war
  3. Wouldn't it be evil hippie liberals vs the fascist pig republicans
  4. More like the honorable truthful patriotic republicans 
  5. Luccus hit it. If you haven't figured out yet neither side is all sunshine and daisies here is your sign.
  6. All it is, is just choosing being a poo sandwich and giant douche.

    ~ South park.
  7. Quick question what do politics and patriotism have to do with each other?
    Surely neither side wants America to be hurt so why even have that connection ?
    Why can't you be a loyal patriotic hippy?
  8. Damn commies
  9. Seems like you are being fair to both sides... Good work 

  10. The proposed war is more about having fun than anything. I myself normally vote libertarian. Yet was on the republican side for our war in fc . I'm glad to see folks interested. Please state side you prefer and if you would prefer to have a leadership role or just wanna brawl 
  11. I am a indepenedent wheres my clan to war i feel left out no support
  12. What about the free thinking reasonable and logical moderate Independents like myself ? 
  13. ^ haha I am also Independent
  14. Moderates unite left wing / right wing ruining the world !! 
  15. Long live the righteous and truly patriotic republicans. May they bring glory to our nation and rid us of the evil hippie liberals
  16. "Evil" and "hippies" do not make sense together.
  17. [​IMG]
  18. I wonder which side you are..
  19. Jesus said get off the EBT card and catch your own fish.