Everything Max Plunder

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by The_Grammar_Unicorn, Sep 6, 2011.

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    unicorn's guide to—what is max plunder and how to achieve this

    table of contents

    • what is max plunder

    • how to check for max plunder

    • builds and Max Plunder

    What is Max Plunder?

    Max plunder, also known as mp, is when you have enough plunder from your ally(allies) to make the same amount of money every sucssesful attack. The more gold an ally is worth the better the plunder(that may not always be the case with stats). To check the ally's max plunder bonus select view then scroll until you find "max plunder bonus".

    How to check if you have Max Plunder

    Checking Max Plunder is very easy! Simply hit an osf, buy an ally, then hit the same osf again. If your plunder stays the same you have achieved Max Plunder. If your plunder changes  you are not at max plunder. Remember every time you explore a land and build something get allies before or after to make sure you remain in the Max plunder club (unless you have so many allies your miles ahead of this problem).

    build and Max Plunder

    Some builds depend on Max Plunder(although all should have mp).
    A hansel build needs allies to make up for the lose in attack and defense. An anti-hansel must get enough allies to make up for the lose in spy stats.

    All builds must have as many allies as possible not for max plunder but for stats to! Allies are able to decide who is better than one another in clan ranks and on the leaderboard Ect.

    This will not get stickied but I hope someone says sticky to make me feel goodlol! And please no BBC code fail.
  2. No BBC code fail YES!!
  3. Omg this is the best sticky!!!!!! Jk this is me alt I hav bad grammr?
  4. @anti unicorn shut up your my altlol.
  5. Bump why isn't anyone posting .
  6. Sticky!
  7. Nice guide, guess its your title of thread which isnt attracting too much people.
  8. Make sure you use the terms Plunder and Allies Bonus in the correct place.
  9. most of the forumers are asleep judging from what they say and do in pal
  10. I mean the famous forumers lol
  11. Yay i dint hated!!!
  12. Lol, the only thing you told us was to buy allies. Max plunder changes when you buy lands and builds. Keep buying allies until it stops going up.

    Why did yours take much longer than mine?
  13. No lol its not you obviously don't understand it then because your a noob so stfu
  14. What else did you explain?
  15. One sec I'm updating it explaining the forumulas so noobs like you understand