Everything about tower farms???

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -PrOm-mF, Nov 26, 2010.

  1. I've heard about them but never seen one. Any info would help. Thanks!
  2. Is ur mom a tower farm??????
  3. As i would i be able to hit an account that was all towers if it had no gold out (I am an attack build)?
  4. You don't see tower farms because that's a stupid idea lol. The whole purpose of being all towers would be that noone could attack you and win. Kinda useless though since you'd have no troops. Are you serious or just making up nonsense here prom? Haha 
  5. U could have all attack and no spy def towers. U would have ALOT in combined stats so u would make alot from steals and vice versa. That's my guess
  6. Lol, just ask Pollyanna or one of those old WC osfs. They'll let u know what the devs think of tower farms.
  7. I loved those old tower farms 
  8. From what I understand tower farms ruled, but were nerfed by the devs for being a little too lucrative.