Event question

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Ivander-, Apr 22, 2016.

  1. Are there any more event like sapphire krestel (kish)? If have, when?

    Thank You.
    P.S: please hire me
  2. Events are a frequent part of the game. There'll be another one soon, I imagine. Devs rarely release the dates of events before hand. Sit tight and be patient and there'll be another running soon enough.
  3. Never. Never ever. You are stuck. The only way to grow now is for people to hire you. Use the 1m wisely it doesn't come often.

  5. Its almost a 6month long b2b event boy jus chill devs tryin to give us a huge bfe b4 launchin new ebs :)
  6. I would say in 2 weeks. Usually the time period in between them is generally short.
  7. Its probably been a year since the wait between an event was 2 weeks.

    Usually 1-5 days between them