event - hte

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -o_O_o_O_o-MrS_SpY-o_O_o_O_o-, May 28, 2015.

  1. How many XTALS are needed for hte to get Max event items
  2. 5000 items. 25 of each per unload. (From my experience)


    So 200 unloads (estimate)
  3. You forgot to solve for x
  4. I think the 200 unloads is very underestimated in my opinion I think it is far more than that in my opinion.
  5. If you're doing HtE it's much slower, doing top tier rotation ebs (ss,ts,aff,tsg) you'll get more
  6. Don't forget the items.. One unload and one item phase gives you max items.. 3 unloads give you max items.. I don't know if i helped you solve anything.. Lol
  7. the question iz how to get max items pet hte, not how many hte to reach 5000
  8. In the past i believe 3 full unloads would get you about the max per hte.
  9. I did an hte and the item user got just as many items as people who didn't use them, about 80-90 for the hte. It didn't matter how many hits it took. So I'm guessing it is more a matter of how many hte you do and less on how much you do in each one

  10. Really? :O
  11. I don't understand how people have over 2000 already... I have a little over 200. I'm not that active but, xtal abuse much 
  12. If you calculate XY/H(TE)^E=VN-T you will see why I became a stripper.
  13. you are the chosen one
  14. Jesus I've been inactive and have more than you, you're just doing it wrong, completely wrong.
  15. My experience with xtals on hte for max event items is 3 xtals per hte with out items to get max event items
  16. How have you done it? I've done 4ebs.. Around 15unloads. And gotten 200 of small items in each EB
  17. 1 hte = 20 - 30 for me not that hard since you can crack out at least 10 hte a day
  18. 1 crystal on hte will give you max items.i am not even trying and i am top 500
  19. I sure hope PVP pays extremely well... I have no chance of 5000 as I don't do HTE
  20. I get 55-60 from one and half regens on hte. 70 for two full regens. More economic to bank account to do it that way