Event Feedback Thread Improvement Idea (Clans)

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by W32SQLE_Anarchy, Nov 23, 2014.

  1. Just a thread to post some feedback, problems, etc. Rather than making a bunch of threads about different things - and filling up Active Topics.

    I had an idea myself, and whilst this is the best event or even thing to happen to this game in about 3 years, there is one implementation - possibly for a future event, that would make this complete.

    I think that having a clan competition involved would be great. There is so much communication in clans for targets, organising spells, etc. That clans should be rewarded for their teamwork too.

    There could be small daily rewards for the most shards collected in 24 hours, most swords held at one time in 24 hours, etc.

    Then there could be rewards for the clans with the highest amount of shards at the end of the event - or the most swords collected in total through the whole event.

    Personally I think this would complete it. As being in this clan with everyone has been incredible, with the amount of teamwork and communication that goes on.

    Sure this doesn't need to happen, but I think it would just add a final dynamic to the whole event.

    Feel free to post ideas like said, or improvements, problems, criticism, etc.

    Enjoy your collecting.
  2. Great ideas. Support 
  3. I think there should be some reward for holding a sword for its full 24 hours
  4. Support, brother.
  5. Great ideas, and BTW, Pi_ has a sword.
  7. The reward already is 24 hours of increased plunder, chance for mithril and increased shards.
  8. I meant, something small if you can hold it without it being stolen
  9. That's a good idea! It's very hard to hold the sword for 24 hours, and if someone was turtle up with it they'd be defeating the purpose.
  10. Benny off the thread for flaming/trolling.
    Thanks bud.
  11. No support.

  12. support. Great idea
  13. Please revise the terms of use and the terminology in which you use, making idle threats against a user as you have done however, could be claimed as harassment.

    This thread contained posts regarding my user in which I was responding to, including this post, in which I am valid to post on this thread for.

  14. You better listen to the former mod up there.
  15. The former teenage mod, who is completely incorrect in his post, and thinks he's a brilliant troll.

    I'd rather not, he's just a waste of space. Sad he thinks that response is smart and edgy, because he is wrong.
  16. Benny, stay off this thread, you are merely responding with what the sword already does and are not contributing anything positive to the thread, so anarchy DOES have a right to kick you off since you are trolling that players suggestion. Ergo it's not an idle threat, and one I will enforce with a ban if you decide to ignore my warning.

    Just because Benny is a former mod does not mean he is infallible and can't be wrong. Even I am wrong sometimes. We are human. To error is what makes us human, I'd rather not be a robot.

    As for my contribution to the thread, if you can hold on to that sword for 24 hours while still being visible I would be highly impressed. If you have it and hide away so that no one knows it makes the bonus pretty pointless. And self pinning for 24 hours straight means no sleep if done by legitimate means. Pretty difficult to do, would be nice see people who could actually achieve this get something for their efforts. I also however would like to see the astral spell last longer.
  17. To tack on

    It would be cool for the people with blade with UNDER an hour left to get a special color spell. Then whoever has the sword when it expires gets a reward.
  18. make this a perm. thing that pvp drops "shards" and make a market like "mith market" when u collect and use em 2 buy pvp gear, 2 make this game more wide and supported by both eb ppl, off system war ppl and ee(system war) ppl, devs probly can make a few changes after this even but, make it a perm. new thing 2 do in kaw, it will satisfy more players and mae it a more wide game and make more ppl wanna play it and stay.
  19. I think the event is great.
    I have a minor suggestion: if a defender wins a battle they have the chance of getting some shards/gold, maybe one half or one quarter the amount that a winning attacker gets. Some attackers with weak stats spam attack to self pin or take a long shot at a lucky win, with out suffering any downside to losing 5 or 10 battles in a row.