Event drop mechanics

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Xboxtraitor, Jan 17, 2016.

  1. Has anyone actually worked out the drop rates? Im roughly 30mcs. I can do 800+hits on a familiar foe (with xstals) and have a drop of 300-350 items. Yet if i hit the Summoner 350-450 times i get roughly the same amount item drops

    So as stated.....is there something im missing or is it build related?
  2. They do this so you'll buy seals...
  3. Do the summoner then?
  4. Hansels get more.
  5. Rotation > HTE
  6. Nope ?
  7. I was in a hte clan last event. Just got 2k. I'm doing rotation. Got 900 already
  8. unload gives me ~ 50 items, x18 hours x 14 days = 12800, you are doing something wrong
  9. He's smaller and I doubt he'd hit every eb lmao
  10. Think about it, whether doing b2b hte or eb rotation, it still all depends on how active you are.

    Using 1 xtal each hte with my size gets me around 50 thingies so 10 htes gives me 500 thingies.

    On a 6 hr scrag eb I'll xtal 3 times and get 400 mini thingies. I'll have to take another eb and xtal that one to get another 400 mini thingies to convert to only 400 thingies.

    In 6 hrs b2b hte piles up a bunch of thingies but you have to be wiling to spend be active rather that just be active