Event chests change in drops

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by wilkenr1, Jan 31, 2017.

  1. Dear Devs. Please look at changing drops on event chests. Instead of giving event items throw some gold in as well. Gold today is far more appreciated than 20 items of event. It will also benefit small players to assist in growth. It does not need to be much. But think about it. Thanks
  2. There enough ways to make gold. ZTA weekend is every weekend.
  3. 1 thing is for sure, they reduced horn/seal/element drops in these chests. Used to get one of those quite frequently on at least one of my accounts. Now i get cruxes and event items only. I cri
  4. My Alts only get cruxs. My main only gets event drops lol. 
  5. This. This exactly.

    My 300k cs alt,who I farm wb with for seals, has 14 golden crux, and 20 regular chests.

    I think I've seen 2 golden and 4 regular on this account in 4 events.
  6. We don't want gold from the chests stop putting ideas in the devs heads they won't listen only way to get them to listen is if everyone stopped spending but it won't cos people want to keep at the top of lb