Etched in Memory: Untold Memory.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -AppleSauce-, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. I remember...I remember it well as if I was still there, so vivid and lively as if I could reach out and touch it ,grasp it and hold it, an illusion brought real.

    The grand gilded halls of Silver and gold, The silk taperstrys, depicting many a hero, and The spiralling pillars of Great Metal, that supported the Grand Hall, everything.


    Even the Dragon.

    In truth I was the first of what the people call today, Chosen, but I was just an undying corpse ,born of man, and made immortal by the dragons curse. Wrought with the suffering of watching ages pass.

    I remember the chose it gave me... The cruel Decision, it asked me to commit.
    Sacrificing a human life for immortal power.

    In truth...I can not say I did not ponder the decision, but my will was unbending and my mind steadfast.

    And instead I sought to fell the beast by my own hands, to rid this damnable creature from my lands and to lift the hold it held upon me.

    I remember the battle that raged, the sky turned dark, as hell's deepest darkest abysses.

    The sky occasionally pierced by the dragons roar. It's breath heating the very blood that flowed through my vains.

    It was a tense battle, for hours and hours we fought ,a dance of war, Taking the shape of man it lunged at me. Hacking and slashing transforming into those I loved, taunting me with every strike.

    But I saw it for what it was... A coward,

    I struck down the beast, landing a fatal blow to its Spirit and body.

    But what I unleashed after my victory was far far worse... Then any nightmare.