Estoic wars while kaw lags

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Domo, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. Ok I'm a little ticked off about this topic. We as a clan getting shtupted by the lag. We do xstal rushes and gotta wait 20 secs to complete action. Can't even get a hit on someone before we getting ko. Seriously this puts us as a clan in a bind. What are you the devs going to do about it? I'm getting tired of losing these wars that the devs can't fix the glitches. It's like fighting in the dark here. It's hard enough to keep clan rolling through these wars when we are fighting the devs. Think this needs be addressed.
  2. Excuses,Excuses,Excuses...
  3. If you are experiencing lag, aren't the opponent team experiencing lag too?
  4. Sssshhh carp that's a logical explanation 
  5. I had some pretty crazy lag but it may have just been getting hit by five people at once :O
  6. dat aint lag dat is a slag orgie
  7. I some what agree. It is an issue but not an excuse. Even devs say it's an issue. So any answers? I doubt it!! GL
  8. Its your connection. Ive rarely had lag and when i do its always my wifi so use 4G while warring
  9. 5 ppl once bwaaahaaaahahaha dey aint enuf olez!
  10. The lag is an issue, but you're not Robinson Crusoe. It affects everyone. Ie, the guys you are fighting...
  11. We were practicing in clan for calls and responses. One member open to attack with I hit available in theory before he would be dtw. 3 hits got through at the identical time. Some of the lag. Is actually the precision of your clan mates or enemies. And yes some is actual lag. I'm sure they will keep addressing the issue but keep plugging away. The wins will come. More clans signing up will mean more variety of choices. So please don't expect a perfect match up. We get what we get and deal with it. What else can we do.
    And again. CLAN A full respect guys and gals. Was an honour and laugh to war you all.
  12. @ noobs pointing out its happening to the opponent:

    Obviously that levels the playing field but it also doesn't make it right. OP isn't saying he's losing because of the lag, he's having a hard time planning and strategizing with the crutch which makes it difficult to be successful.

    Estoc wars are 100% in favor of the bigger clan. The more big active kingdoms you have the more successful you are. The only chance a smaller clan has is to crystal rush and benefit from max plunder at max troops an it has to happen quickly.

    Trolls be trollin.