estocs trials

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Sportspro22-, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. Ok devs why can't I attack people when they have full troops but assassinate people and kill their troops!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It wasn't like this the last war. Devs this is ticking me off And yes they r active in the war
  2. P
    = pin'd
  3. The rule is in the wars u can't be pinned unless u have 0 troops. How am I ass. And killing the troops!?!?!?!?
  4. I'm pretty this cost our clan to lose the war
  5. Lol I was in the war it was stupid they reset like 3
    Players after casting their spells so when they reset them for for war they could burn our
    Spy's KO us
  6. U can never go dtw to assn even with zero troops. But with zero troops you can not be attacked. Learn mechanics and u will win wars
  7. I was trying to attack a hansel at the very start of the war and it said dtw. How the hell is that possible!!!!!!!!
  8. No ghost I was in it, they used small stat Alts to kill all our troops, then just destroyed us with big hansels
  9. We weren't able to attack the hansels to get gold only scout and ass them. It's bull. Ill probably end up emailing the devs about this to get my mith back
  10. Like I said before:

  11. You had to be there so stfu
  12. Times for Saturday wars i cant find them any where
  13. ACK! not the acronym for shut ... that is a silenceable offence don't ya know ?
  14. Times for Saturday wars i cant find them any where