Estocs Edge Fairness Proposal

Discussion in 'Wars' started by PsychoEmperor, May 2, 2013.

  1. It is abundantly clear from all the Intelligent, well thought out posts on forums that there is a clear lack of fairness in the Estocs Edge Wars. As a result, please see my modest proposal:

    All Kingdoms have to drop all allies, all equipment and all buildings before signing up. Every member is allowed only one stable and one guild both at level 1. No mith, propack, clan bonus or any other advantage is allowed. Every clan must sign up with exactly 25 members.

    No xstals or nobs are allowed at any point during the 2 hour war.

    No members are allowed to attack, assassinate, steal or scout at any point, as this may because an imbalance in plunder and by definition is not fair.

    At the end of the two hour war the plunder for both sides should be 0 and the attacks, assassinate, steals and scouts should also read 0. This will result in both clans receiving 1 in Estocs edge, 3 Rancor Level, 100 mith, and a new shiny fairness badge.
  2. BEST IDEA EVER!!! :eek: :D
  3. Seems legit only I would have a major problem with this if all banners were not changed to the same...we can't have some upstarts and their red banners thinking they are better than the blue banners :lol:

    This reminds me of way back to the first Gulf War. Iraq almost didn't invade Kuwait. The Iraqi generals said hold up everyone...Kuwait's BFE is significantly lower than ours. Upon reviewing the matchup Saddam said **** it let's do this. It was rumored that America considered dropping its build before kicking Saddam's ass.

    It was eventually all worked out when everyone was awarded first place ribbons
  4. It's about the only fair way to do it
  5. Bahahahaha full support great idea OP
  6. You'd also have to have everyone owned by the same person.... If someone was owned by a stronger player than another it might make them feel inadequate and rage.
  7. You forgot that everyone must have the same device and Internet speed.
  8. Should have posted this on Farr's thread ;) :lol:
  9. I thought it would've been cool to just have an all out brawl, with just one guild, and one stable, no allies and no pots. Just a bunch of 300/300/150/150 whacking eachother around. :lol:
  10. I read this as "Estocs Edge Fairies Proposal" lmao
  11. Nice job OP. Thats how i feel lol

  12. Thank you all for your responses and suggestions

    @ Monster_Lo-Carb I will be sure to add the grave imbalance between red and blue banner in my letter to the Developers.

    @Judge_Dredd Another great suggestion that I will be sure to add in my letters, I’d go further and propose no one in the game is allowed to “own” anyone as the term “owner” can be offensive.

    @Igowiththeflow Very good suggestion, however as some people cannot afford certain internet speed, or devices I am not sure of the proper way to make this fair. Please provide me with a better idea that I may include in my letter.

    @jas999 You are clearly an ogre and don’t understand the purpose of the Estoc Edge Fairness Wars

    @BlackHandXtreme That was my first choice, but realized it might be offensive so I chose Fairness instead.

    Please continue to give me great ideas, suggestions and examples from which to improve on, so that we may once and for all, put all the complaining and hurt feelings to rest.
  13. Another suggestion. Any troops or spies can not have a race, gender or nationality. Nor can they have any kind of minority for fears of discrimination.
  14. I think peoples achievements
  15. Can't forget about people with barcode names. Everyone's name should be changed to player1, player2, player3, and so on and so forth based on clan rank(which would be random since everyone's equals)
    You know, fairness and what not.
  16. Actually I thought it could be fun to set up a war of nearly statless alts, as a forum event. I even thought about making a thread about it. They would all get created on the same day, and be given exactly a week to train before the event. Then, they would be drafted by two team captains into clans, which would have a crazy nooblike slugfest osw for like another seven days. At the end of the carnage, the forums would vote "MVA" most valuable alt, and some honorable mentions. Only after the whole thing was over would everyone's mains be revealed.
  17. Great ideas op. A few things of note
    A)All participants will have to change their names to a single letter, or 25 different variations of the same name as to not inspire creativity and make it equal for trackers.
    B)We would also have to eliminate clan names and give generic clan names. Weither it is a number letter combination or variations of the same clan name as to make it equal.

    These are just a few suggestions OP, I will let you pound out specific details as lib as credit for the original ideas is give to me. If you want a second person to brainstorm how we can work those in feel free to pm me.
  18. Rofl. :-D
  19. But I cannot war at certain times or on certain days. It's not fair if others are allowed to war when I can not.
  20. One more idea, unstead of the same device, all players must be blinfolded for the duration of the war so some people cant get results quicker than others. On the up side, itd cure the lag issues 