Estoc's Edge and pvp. The real thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ibeat, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Estoc's Edge
    The spell we gain from successfully winning an ee war. This spell grants the ability to make between 25%-50% more on all epic battles and a 25%-50% chance of getting a equipment drop from an epic battle.

    Now before I begin my rant on my idea I want to say that I absolutely LOVE this spell. It makes the time, money, and potions used in ee wars worth it.

    with all great things there's always a flaw. Or a possibility to be upgraded.

    My idea is to make it so this spell is in effect when you hit a target. So another words instead of a target paying 30m per attack he would pay 45m per attack with a max leveled Estoc's Edge spell.

    This idea wouldn't hurt the Kaweconomy at all and would in fact it would possibly better it.


    - promotes PvP

    - possibility for ATA to make more money from PvP

    (reason: people don't like to use xtals during pvp but are willing to. Now with this spell people would feel a lot better about burning a couple more xtals on targets)

    - reason for " farmers " to war even if they don't like ee.
    (Devs this adds more players into ee which broadens the spectrum for match ups)

    -creates a better balance for current pvp lovers and eb fairies.

    - can be changed and added for possible future pvp promos.
    (Such as an example I remember from a while back. Inferno/aqua being dropped from battle list. Estoc's Edge spell could increase the chance of a drop from the BL)


    -none that I can currently think of
    (may update this list later If any good cons of this idea are brought up by forumers)

    How I came to think of this idea
    I am currently in a small osw. I was hitting a very well paying member and thinking about my Estocs Edge spell and how it was going to waste. Then this brilliant idea hit me! Why don't we add it to PvP so I hoped on forums and here we are.

    To other great idea artists post on here or mp me ideas on how to make this just that much better and it will be added on with ur name so u are given credit for your idea :)[/size]

    I will update this list when ever possible.


    I'm aware this idea has been brought up before but it was a very low effort crap thread.
  2. Support. It should have been like this from the beginning.

    I'm guessing this includes blood rains spell as well?
  3. It very well could^
  4. Fully support!!! Love the idea!
  5. Support!

    On the roadmap, Devs said yet would be working on making PvP better with drops and all this, but this is a great idea. Perfect thing to implement.
  6. Support.
    I think we've all wanted this before, but you were the first to voice your opinion. Kudos.
  7. This seems like a good idea. Support. 
  8. Hitting a ps alt would be even more profitable
  9. there is a spell to help you with that, war to get mith and then use it in osw
  10. OMG OMG OMG I love it!!! Support!
  11. SupportBetter paying peoplecan only love that
  12. The major con to this would be in EE. If you match a clan where everyone had lvl5 ee. And your clan doesnt you would start the war with a major handicap.
  13. Support - has being proposed many times. Would need to be turned of during wars and to those who say it would make more profitable to hit an alt, lol, i would suggest no more profitable than hitting an eb well actually less as more you farm the more you seem to get a fail and burns slightly more troops and unless multiple alts it would be hard to xstal on.
  14. Maybe add a declare war button on individual kingdoms. Once accepted plunder spells will take affect. That could curb possible abuse by not allowing you to declare war on a kingdom with same ip address.
  15. Also entering the bl will automatically activate the spells.