Estocs - A better warring system?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIll-King_Vasilias-IIIl, Jan 4, 2014.

  1. Alright (this probably will be long-winded)

    I am a medium sized hansel who is getting thrashed by clans with guild hansels and LB players only. Some people don't understand why that is. Let me break it down.

    1. LB are too big for people like me to hit, usually. And if they aren't too big, they have tons of towers that negate all my efforts (this is with full attack pots and both attack mith spells).

    2. Guild Hansels are still big enough to hit, this is true. But, while I make 18m on a guild hansel that has some gold out (even less if they're smart and banked it), they make twice that plundering off my build.

    It's simply unfair that we are actually expected to war these kind of clans (and cue the people telling me that I'm whining, because we all know someone will).

    Actually, bring them on, I am whining. I don't want to waste 1-2 xstals on a useless war. It's downright stupid.

    Now I am not stupid. I've thought a long time on how exactly we can get this fixed. And sadly there's really nothing us as players can do. It's all up to the devs changing the mechanics of the war.

    Now hold on, I'm not saying we change the Estocs altogether. I'm suggesting we use a system other than gold plundered to gauge who won the war. Let's call them Estoc Points for now.
    Every attack equals 1 estoc point
    Assassination/steal=1 EP
    Scouts=1/2 an EP

    That way we can war fairly without people complaining about not being able to hit.

    Thanks for reading if you read the whole thing, and if not?
    My TL;DR is: "Estoc Points" be added to Estoc wars.

    Yes I posted this in another thread, but I wanted more feedback on this idea so I've made my own thread
  2. This isn't bad but it would completely change war builds.

    The new war build would be hybrids and hansels only.

    Scout at 1/2 point would mean almost 4 scouts per steal. U need to change stealing to 2 points.

    attacks need to be more than one point because there are more assassinations possible than attacks which give hansels an upper hand entirely.

    This isnt a bad idea and nice job for sharing with forums.

    Tweak this a bit and then update your op and you will most likely get more support
  3. I don't mind tweaking my idea, as long as someone gives me good feedback
  4. Only one
    Though from me on this and that's simply what about tank builds who are built to challenge inc atks they can't atk much etc... Turtle builds left out.....
  5. So, make steals worth 2, assassinations worth 1, attacks worth 2 as well, and keep scouts as 1/2. Would that work better?
  6. As well as gh sorry for double
  7. So you're saying turtle builds will be left out? Pretty much, because turtling isn't warring... 
  8. I'd lower the points assassinations give relative the steals and attacks - as assassinations are still OP'd - they kill off opponent point earning potential not just in spies but in troops.
  9. Nice idea Shol, me likey ;)
  10. It's def a system that would change things for sure
  11. Decent idea but you also need to get points for those who've failed actions on you. That way some of the previous ee war strategy can still work.
  12. I don't like that though - because it promotes turtling even more than the system would now
  13. Well obviously the point count for fails would be lower, such as 1/2 the points for successful actions. Because turtling is a strategy and without a point system like that it's just a ton of hybrids with minimal towers attacking and scouting like hell.
  14. Good idea, I like
  15. I'd rather fails to cost you then give you points...
  16. That's always a possibility as well, either way would give essentially the same results, but what about ko's? Would they give like 5 points? Or would ot stay the same and give points based on the ko'd enemies point count?
  17. I like the current KO system as is, would leave it mostly intact - though I might lower the % points taken when KO'ing other people so it's not a SKO fest.
  18. That's a valid point... Here:

    I knock you out, and you've unloaded all your attacks but none of your spies (I took care of those ;) )
    [Depending on attack building] 24-26 hits per unload, making 48-52 points. You'd then lose 5% of those points for getting knocked out, so you'd lose roughly 4-6 points per KO.

    How's that work?
  19. It's tweakable for sure, but it'd defidently let builds like mine be able to war again. Also i think mith should then be taken from a direct % of the points you made.
  20. 3 easy steps to fix ee wars once and for all

    Ee is a tournament stile war where as we build a roster and devs pick an opponent for us to face

    The inherent problem with this system is pretty simple ... Kaw players are smarter then the devs programming and will find ways to abuse the system in anyway possible to gain an advantage in winning before even the first action is done

    Until the devs regulate the system in some way that will not allow this the system is doomed to serious issues which will make it a hard sell to the masses of players who enjoy kaw on a daily basis

    These are 3 simple steps to take to repair the current system with little chance of manipulation of the devs matching

    Step 1 change plunder pay

    All builds should make the same per hit depending on troop lvls
    At 100% troops u make 200 mill
    With a 1 mill drop per percentage of troops (so at 79% troops you would earn 179 mill per hit and so on down to bottom hit of 101 mill at 1%)
    This would go for all builds gh all the way to lb

    This would do 2 things ...
    1) even the plunder out for all wars making data analysis of any issues easier
    2) would allow clans to stack their rosters anyway they like but allow both sides plunder ability equally making all clans use strategy not just depend on a roster that ensures victory 99% of the time

    Step 2 disable dtw/dts

    If u stack 4 lb and 7 gh against a clan of 11 medium /larger builds then yes the 4 lb can destroy ur clan but u have the potential to earn and try to combat the fact u can't hit them buy earning off the smalls that balanced the two rosters to begin with

    Step 3 do not allow accounts to register for war without troop buildings

    We all know of the ps/ lb issue
    Make it so if u are registered for war at time of match up if someone on ur roster has 0 troop buildings ur disqualified and will not match

    If all 3 steps are implemented at 1 time together there is little wiggle room to manipulate the system into anything but fair matches giving any roster that closely matches in over all size a chance to win or lose based solely on strategy and clan teamwork

    From a frustrated ee war commander and veteran ready to retire