Estoc Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -IlIlI__DRAGONS_SLAYER__lIlIl-, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. Hey guys. not sure how to word this. Nut devs I really like the wars but for the love of god. make a repercussion for ff'ing a war .. Such as can't participate in the next war or rest of weekend, shut their ebs off a week etc. tired of clans ff'ing.. Give them a reason not to.
  2. No, clans need to FF so they don't lose tons of pots later.
    Hate people who enjoy beating dead bodies just for Mith. Selfish ******
  3. It's surrendering it's how most wars end.
  4. It's only four hours though. Id understand if they were 24/48 hour wars. But common this is ridiculous.
  5. Wait till you get matched with a clan that is going to destroy you...
  6. ^ exactly

    And question OP, why'd you change your name?
  7. They should take away the forfeit option. It won't kill you to go through a four hour war.
  8. Oh-hell just made a fantastic point.
  9. You guys say that because, you have never been on the receiving end of an ass whoopin. Wait until you are. Guarantee you ff lol
  10. I agree. Ff should be disabled. I've been in two wars where we got our asses handed to us. We didn't ff. We let them continue on and earn the mith they deserved. @oh_hells comment: if you don't want to lose those pots then don't join. Simple. U know the risk involved. Why join if you are going to be that pansy clan that ff's. As said I've been in two wars that were completely lopsided so far. Never quit trying and didn't ff like a . If your so worried about the extra pots then stay the **** out of the wars. Go hit apherium. Ff'ing only proves that you and your clan can't take a beating with out running like a *****. Simple. Anyone arguing that is just another 
  11. I've been in 12 estocs, 10 clans FFed. Only clan that didn't was ZAFT, both times they were down alot. Tons of respect there

    It's a four hour war. Why sign up if you're not prepared for a 4 hour war, especially if other clan barely miths up
  12. You act like a system war will determine how your clan is respected, or lack there of.

    System wars mean nothing.
  13. Yes. That's how LR got it's name when they started?
  14. By being pro's at a turtle war?


    LR earned its respect through its heritage, and what is has done OSW wise.
  15. I don't see why you're complaining. I just checked out the war history and you whooped their ass hard. You got 60 mith out of it so stop complaining.
  16. That is, they earned their respect from people that war/farm/don't hit EB's 24/7 through their heritage and osw ways.

    I'm sure EB noobs were amazed at the system wars
  17. Mustang the clan you are in right now pressed ff against us with ONLY 15 minutes left in war. It was their only loss and wasn't even a blowout. Preach what you are saying to them while you are there.
  18. Easy estoc war mith?

    Abuse the system 

    One of our members got 113 mith last war lmao. Check war history
  19. Clans can't ff for 2 hrs anyway. It's no fun beating a dead horse. When you're up 200b to 10b at the 1/2 way point...they deserve to ff

    Just sayin