Estoc wars, think again dev!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -V-o_o-D-o_o-KaJN-, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. A good war system with good bonuses and payout? Fine for the kingdoms and clans that can commit to war, what about those that can't?

    The dev have set the new Estoc wars at days and times when only certain kingdoms and clans are able to participate, meaning that those who cannot are being left behind in the game with no thought from the dev.

    This has created a 2 tier kingdoms at war!

    Tier 1.
    This is for kingdoms and clans who can commit to war, nice new equipment bought and enchanted with mithiril won from wars and a nice bonus payout on plunder gained from the estoc's edge bonus also won in war.

    Tier 2.
    This is for kingdoms and clans who can't commit to war at the specified days and times set by the dev, meaning no new equipment as the can't win mithiril to buy or enchant it and no estoc's edge bonus again cause they can't war to earn it.

    These kingdoms and clans unable to war are now being left so far behind in the game that if the dev ever get round to making wars accessible to all, they will be playing catch up from so far back it makes the game pointless for them.

    Another knock on effect from this is that kingdoms in clans that cannot commit to war but wish to war themselves are leaving their clan to join other clans to war, then not returning to their original clan as they will lose their estoc's edge bonus if they leave the clan they warred with.

    Meant to create clan unity? It's actually killing some clans off!!

    You need to sort this out now dev!!

    A couple of suggestions.

    1. What's wrong with having weekend 2hr wars? I think brining the time down to 2hrs would mean almost 100% of players can commit to warring at least once over the weekend.
    2. Some midweek wars when those unable to commit at weekends have the time midweek to commit.

    At the moment the system is totally unfair and only catering for kingdoms that can commit to war making it pointless for those who can't.

    This imbalance needs to be addressed sooner rather than later to stop the divide that is being created getting any larger!!!
  2. 2hr war would be to short, and also open the gap between people who can afford Xtal and can't
  3. there are midweek wars on thursday. total of 4 wars different days and different timezones to accomodate as many as possible and devs habe said that they might roll out more midweek wars. Are they supposed to ask each clan "when would a good time for you be?". Ofc not, they probably have chosen the days they have based off know peak activity times.
  4. Agree with jas! Dev should only make 6 war a week! All in difference time! So there will be everyone who can join the war(4x6=24 this will be a bit more fair)
  5. Totaly agree here. I haven't participated un any wars as start times are to late for me. 2 hour wars would be great idea and maybe more sociable hours for uk and european times
  6. I think a better solution to your puny "problem" would be to simply just get all the "tier 2" clans to come together (merge) and fight together in the EE... Also by my knowledge (very little knowledge) can't any clan fight in EE?
  7. If your clan can't war, they should disband.
    Problem. Solved. ;)
  8. Can't war?

    Too bad. We all put the effort in.
  9. You honestly want to shorten 4 hour wars....?
  10. 4 different wars at 4 different times spanning weekdays and weekends. 48 hour wars went down to 4 hours.

    And still the whining.
  11. The Devs cater to peak times most likely. More crystal burnage, more crystal buyage. If a time isn't exactly to your liking you can do one of two things.

    1.) Not war, continue to cry and have your shrieks fall on deaf ears.

    2.) Find that extra hour or two to war, if you want to war that bad, you'll find the time.

    This is the second tearful thread on this subject and I see many more to come.
  12. Yes clans are being forced to change.
    As previously said if devs let us move with estocs to war clans it allows all of us to war in a war that is convenient.
    Either way if your not prepared to war then not our problem. Of course kaw will be two tier. Thank god. We were forced to eb enough for equipment long enough from ebs. So if you want to go red. War.
    Two times for wars a day and a clan signs up to one time is better for time zones.
    Nothing wrong with 2 hour wars. Half of them are anyway as sore losers ff anyway so why not just make em all two hour wars. And if you go to war without xtals then that's your choice. They are there for all to use or not.
    The time of wars is far more important especially with devs determined to assume Europe and asia like doing all nighters.
  13. If you can't commit time to the game, you can hardly complain that other people that do are moving ahead of you.
  14. Let's just make the wars 1 minute long. That way it's short and easy for everyone. Fastest unloads win. With this though people will complain that they can't commit to the start times so they are unfair still.

    If a 4 hour war hurts you that bad go find a tube of vagisil and rub some in the area that is bothered the most to ease the irritation.
  15. Op your right that there should be more war times and also shorter ones so people who can't commit to 4 hours ones can still war. However, your arguments are invalid. Having more wars and shorter ones, will increase the gap between tiers. Tier 1 clans will be those with more than 100 active members and those will participate in every war. The rest will be able to war once or twice a week and will be left behind. There will be less tier 1 clans and more tier 2 clans. Anyway, you seem to forget that EE is in beta phase. Developers need time between wars to fix the bugs found, and to tweak the mechanics. When Beta is finished, I bet we'll have daily wars.
  16. I've stayed up to 6 in the morning multiple times to war. I think this isn't drawing a line between tier 1 and tier 2 clans, but rather
    Dedicated players and clans: players who can set aside 4 hours on a weekday to war
    Non-dedicated players and clans: players that would rather not war for 4 hours on a weekday.
  17. Did u ever think that the dev want to trim down the number of clans in kaw. there's thousands of them and a lot that are inactive and just being held open by alts.
  18. In Uk Sunday war starts at around noon, if there's not an easier time for that... And on Saturday night it starts at 8pm for you and ends at Midnight, but again it's about the wanting to participate.
  19. hey we get to war thurs to sun whats the problem here?

    The times are to best fit everyone, does not mean they will! i usually only get to war on sunday as the times don't fit, but i make the time. so should you OP and stop crying.

    and as for 2h wars thats just dumb most clans forfeit after 2-3h that would make for a really sad lame war! It take's 1h for a full regen and 15min a ko and you want to make the war only 2h long, don't be a noob!

    as for Leaving a clan and not coming back! If you build a better clan then you can war and they won't leave o_O to many damn clans, needs to be some way to prune them down.