Discussion in 'Wars' started by RoCK0, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. 2 ideas :)


    1. Clans see extreme amounts of lag during estoc wars which causes people to be pinned before they even start to receive hits in their newsfeed. I suggest the amount of troops (proposed in another idea idk your name cuz the other half of your idea sucked LOL :lol: ) you get in the 15 minute regen period is greater than the normal 3-5 minute regens. Perhaps estoc wars can have three minute regens during pin.


    2. Knockout times for players should be varied (10-20 mins) and a message should be delivered to the player detailing when they will be able to get back into the fight. This would keep enemies on their toes and allow for easier comebacks and more interesting battles overall.


    Hopefully I made sense... I'm on my phone :)





  2. Not bad support :D
  3. If you support this idea then just send the developers an email about it, instead of writing "support", send and email here follow these steps below.

    -Include in your email:
    • Game: KaW
      Game Name:
      Suggestion: Write a detailed explanation on why you are suggesting this change to happen and how it would benefit the community.

    The developers will read your suggestion and will take that into consideration for possible changes to the game if they like it enough. But do remember the developers do get a lot of suggestions a day, so your suggestion will be among piles of suggestions.

    Also remember to include a subject title, I would use: Estoc Trial Suggestion for it rather than Suggestion.

    This is a much better way of getting your suggestion heard about than writing "Support" on a thread that will never be seen by a dev unless a moderator thinks it is so amazing to flag it. And then that flag gets reviewed by the devs, but flagging probably hardly ever happens for suggestions.

    Every suggestion has its flaws and this one is no different. Take into consideration of what the forum community and KaW community is saying, rewrite your suggestion to include what feedback you have received.
  4. I like both ideas, but together?

    A 3 minute regen with 10 mins in ko wouldnt make a huge difference, compared to 3 minute regens and 20 mins in ko.

    Either way, a little more chaos could be fun.
  5. Good idea. Personally I believe that everyone hates it when enemies time their regen and straight away knockout them again. This idea would counter that. Support.
  6. I love it when people time regens. It creates teamwork throughout the clan
  7. @rise against: Yes but this will require even more teamwork to check when your opponents are regening. It's better for both sides
  8. @scrote08:
    Wouldn't that be cool to have an almost full bar? Obviously devs would make 20 min regen very unlikely so people still use xtals. :)
  9. Try hard wannabe mod alert...
  10. Just email it to the devs, it won't do any good here in forums.
  11. Fiddler, kaw didnt say any names?? lol
  12. That's true. Best way is to email the devs. Make sure your email is nice and has little mistakes
  13. I don't like this idea. I think the Regina are fine how they are right now
  14. Damn autocorrect... It's going crazy today.

  15. Regina? Interesting. I thought they were a little messed up earlier but if you think they're fine then that's ok with me.
  16. 
    Yes what is up with her ass
  17. *assa I meant she keeps trying to steal me... I'm like hell nah
  18. I like this. Support