Estoc war roster

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -__Cheradenine_Zakalwe__-, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. Just thought I would like to say how much I like the running plunder totals and war roster Kaw provides in Estoc wars.

    Since each KO steals a percentage of plunder from the victim, this feature essentially means that the game prioritises targets for you!

    Granted, warring at high levels requires a lot more strategy and planning, especially with all the hansel and tower builds. I'm sure clans at that level have great strategies and organisation, but that level of effort and detail is not required in small clans.

    For mid to low range war clans simply targeting players on the war roster, from top down, is pretty efficient. Keep KOing the high plunder earners, and you win the war. This makes fighting in war much less complicated than using the strategies in some of the threads I have read here. Just keep checking your opponents war roster, and try to KO from the top down, coordinating in clan chat.
  2. And your point is?
  3. My point is that going to a lot of effort trying to organise teams, and designate targets etc. is pretty pointless. Especially designating targets before war starts, since you may end up wasting troops on inactives.

    The game has a built in mechanism for letting you know who your priority targets should be.
  4. Lol man that might work for small noob clans but big clans have to have designate targets sweepers time keepers leader and the plunder list is just used to help decide targets but if their is no specific target no one will be kod efficiently
  5. @OP - check our last two wars, first we had no teams, second war (today) we used teams, TC's and the like
  6. We pounded shadow
  7. We just used this strat op and we lost the war by about 2 bil. first 3 hrs we were on top. Then they ko'd us 1 by 1..

    We were 45 actives against 18. Only 3 from our clan can effectively hit their top 10. Strategy is important in any war even for small clans..

    we lost the war on the last 45mins when our top 5 were kod effectively wiping everyone.