Estoc War KO glitch

Discussion in 'Wars' started by 3141592, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. No, I am not complaining about unfair matchups or lag for self KO. I noticed that times when I do attack opponent while I get inc, there is a decent chance I will be KO'ed. However, self KO means you triggered the 0 troop mark, right (i.e. you have to hit your troops to 0)?
    MY POINT: I got a self KO (somehow), when i didn't even attack at all. I exited out of chatting with someone, checked homepage, suddenly my troops were all dead. In cc, there was a notice saying I knocked myself out... Does this mean we can use this glitch to self KO always when we are in PM tab? Or was this a totally random glitch? Will investigate this more. Just FYI. :)
  2. I also had this happen. I was on my main account and then suddenly this account self KOed out of nowhere. I hadn't actually engaged the war at all yet and I'm not sure tat I was on the pm screen.
  3. Same thing happened to my alt, he skoed while not even logged on lol.
  4. This happens when the enemys FAILED attack drops your troops to zero.
  5. But OP is saying he got self koed. No one koed him.
  6. I hate bb codes -.-
  7. But there have been SS about how failed attacks count as KO (check forums). And I have failed in an attack and received a KO for an enemy.
  8. Why??
  9. Happened to me to i was like aaahhhh heeellll yeeahhhh
  10. Lol sabotager!
  12. Idk , but one of the most frustrating things I encountered so far. I just get ko, I xtal up, I get incoming hit. I go to news to return hits, the person is ko. But yet im still getting incoming from the guy and I get ko from him?
    This is bull, someone is hitting u, the lag shouldn't pull them into ko as their able to completly unload on me without return hits!
  13. I think I.s.s war was glitched as well look at. There history they lost war but made way more plunder
  14. Nurion I have knocked plenty of people out with failed actions before.
  16. This has happened to me. I am receiving lots of inc, and try to hurry to sko. I attack. Told "no units left". Then hurry to use my spies. And told "no units left" and by some miracle it says I self ko'd. Even though I had made no actions.
  17. And yes. A failed action can knock someone out. You receive a percentage of their plunderscore but no personal bonus.
  18. It does seem a bit random almost. I too have "sko" when clearly I didn't deserve too as I couldn't find anyone to sko on! However I have SS of KO'ing an opponent with a failed scout. The notice even says that despite my scout failing I still achieved a KO against my opponent. Pretty strange.
  19. You can ko someone with a failed action. My hypothesis is that when you assassinate someone to ko, and that on the last KO hit, the target has 0 spies but troops remaining (therefore you assassinate 0 spies but only troops to get the ko), the target will get a self ko. Idk why this happens but it happened many times to me, everytime, the last action that ko'ed me was an assassinate, and every time it happened on the opponent, i was assassinating.