Estoc War Controversy~ Match making

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xXP_3Xx_StandingSolo_xXP_3Xx, May 23, 2014.

  1. For well over a year now there has been complaints over match making, long before the first season of the Rancor wars. One clan saying "the other has a rigged roster" or "we are new but facing the most prestigious war clan in KaW" Leading to huge controversy on the estoc wars and discouraging players from warring because of unfair match systems. well, after long thought and consideration a few ideas have come to mind. Possible solutions to this on going chaos.

    1.) Match making in general, yes great improvements have been made such as factoring in bfa and bfe that helped, to a extent but "rigged rosters" can still exist in certain situations. The "rigged rosters more of come from the casting of 7-9 sh and 2-4 lbs, often times will match rosters of 5 sh and 6 mids. the problem is the clan with 6 mids cannot effectivly even hit the lbs. the lbs win generally all the time because hit ratios are still off. ~ solution factor in actual over all rank, ally lb rank and look into the builds a little deeper to make sure both sides are equally matched. match lbs verse lbs and mids against mids. matching people who can actually hit each other without a lb just sitting on them will help with not discouraging more players from taking part in ee.

    2.) The prestige system, yes its cool, clans are ranked by wars won and lost showing how good they are. But lets actually make it mean something other then just a rank by creating a prestige bracket based system~ Idea~ have clans with higher prestige only match clans with similar prestiges. why? simple, better clans have higher prestige, but when a new clan joins ee they ethier have 1000 prestige or no rank, this puts them at a disadvantage. The clan that is veteran, will generally crush the new clan ( unless a bunch of vets make a clan). this helps the newer clans still get honest match ups facing less expierenced clans giving a more fair fight, instead of a vet clan crushing a new clan and discourging the clan from attempting any future wars. For wars won and lost prestige will still increase for wins decrease for loses. but the actuall prestige number will detemine the bracket of skil level, for example how this works on another game, Dota, uses a system called mmr( match making rank) the higher the mmr the better the skill of the players are. this helps by those who domiante the game play agianst others who are just as good making fun fair matches, by seperating the good players from the less killed making more even teams of 5vs5. for us it is 11vs11 but the clan be based on a similar mmr system more skilled clans war against more skilled, vise versa for less skilled. more people will wanna attempt war if they are sure they can get a fairer fight. and for the vet clans that make a new clan obviously they will dominte the new clans but quicly raise out of the bracket and wont face the less skilled clans anymore allowing the less skilled to continue to receive nicer fairer match ups.

    3.) No matches~ ha arnt they a pain..anyway increasing the war population by better fairer fights means less no matches. more clans war, less people complain over no matches. the new clans that are good at war move up the bracket and now the vets have new competiition to face. wars become fun, instead of tiring waste filled with tons of annoying complaints.

    Please leave comments on opinons things to ad or take away thank you for the time reading :D
  2. I see a problem with the prestige matching, I feel that will severely hurt the number of matches if you use that. I really the first idea though and support that.
  3. MMR matching does not increase no matches. If there is no one in your bracket your search bumps to the next bracket above you and keeps going until theres a clan odd man out who can not face a larger clan. This creates a ripple effect making it so theres normally 1-2 clans in each bracket getting not as good clan matches while others are really good.
  4. going deaper in true strength is what tgey did in season 1, and lb players got kicked from every war clan.

    So to appease thier money players they stooped counting bfa on match as hard so clans would let lb war (money spenders)

    Now i dont fault them for that, but they have alienated the mids now and are working to find a balance in the rest of the mechanics to even out things so everyone can war.

    Problem is no matter what mechanic they change you will adjust rosters to gain the edge, and unless you take the first 11 to sign up and war just to blow some money and gold, there will always be someone out in the cold.

    Some of it they could fix with war length, bring back hansels worth,

    Othr things they are doing now, like with sh, wil benefit lb so you are stuck with the same situation, just the advantage will shift to lb instead of sh, sh will still be needed to keep ovrall cs down (real worth of sh)
  5. Tired of posts regarding ee matches, didnt even read this one, devs made a thread for it, they wont bother reading this either, so stop wasting ur time.