Estoc Trials - Week 6 - War #2 - General Update

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, May 7, 2013.

  1. War #2

    Signups: 40
    No Match: 6

    Kreuzritter - Odd man out situation. There weren't that many other clans that matched your strength and BFA, and unfortunately you were odd man out again.

    We're Screwed - Your clan size was too high to match you with other clans of similar strength and bfa. If you lowered your clan size by about 3, there would have been many more potential matches.

    PERKUTUT ARMY - Odd man out here too.

    Middle Earth 1st Regiment - Your clan size was too high. Try lowering it by about 7 members if you want to be matched up next time.

    -Akatsuki- - Your BFA was too low to find you a match with a clan of similar strength and size. It needs to be about 4x higher.

    S.O.T.R.A Folkvangr - Your strength and BFA were too low to find you a suitable match.

    Clan Size breakdown

    X-Axis - Clan sizes
    Y-Axis - # of signups

    As per usual, we will be monitoring clan BFA numbers and we will address any suspicious activity throughout the coming war. Please keep BFA changes post-sign up to a reasonable minimum! Anything beyond that and you will be warned and risk losing rewards and/or match-ups!
  2. Devs then tell Kreuz what they need to do to get a matchup
  3. Also let another clan sit out rather than the same clan in back to back wars.
  4. @kaw_Admin I would appreciate if you would answer this question for me. So say I get 50 rancor 1 week and 5 days before season ends on May 26th. The Rancor will expire on May 29th. Will the person get the rancor rewards that are distributed on May 31 or will there rancor rancor expire on May 29th and they are left with 0 rancor when rewards are distributed? It would be great if you could inform me on the answer to this.
  5. why was -Akasuki- matched last war round 5 against a much stronger clan if we can't get a decent match this week cause of BFA ? I'm confused LOL
  6. I wondering why you would constantly give the stronger clan outmatch the weaker clan by 2-3 people. Makes no sence as mist if your matchmaking.

    Ok if we have to live with this than atleast try be fair and give the bigger member edge to the weaker clan or does that make too much sence
  7. um, i think eq does make a bit of a difference here guys. Lol. Just look at s.o.t.r.a vs. hiddensource
  8. That was awesome! Makes me wanna play. Sotra vs Hiddensource
  9. Lol i am really sorry hidden not ur fault lol
  10. All I can say, is we got screwed with our matchup :|
  11. Ubk got bad match up. Out numbered and strength. By a big margin
  12. Well, maybe this server maintenance will address some of these issues. Devs, hint-hint :p
  13. @devs-
    Plz note match between WarLoR vs Zaft corp 3 days ago . 29-29, it was a war and a fun match.
    Plz reevaluate war 2, same match WarLoR much weaker and -1. Much different result. Wasn't even a war.

    Warlor vs Hit Squad, 1 day ago. WarLoR stronger and 2 , this was not a fair war . And couldn't have been fun for them.

    Warlor vs battlegrounds, 2 days ago. WarLoR weaker and 29-31. Again just one side sitting there being hit.

    Give us a fighting chance to make the war happen. When one side has heavier stacked lb it's no longer a war. When you further handicap the weaker side by allowing less numbers it becomes a waste of ppl time and effort. We all war for fun and no one wants to create a bad situation for anyone because of bad matches. I would rather no match and have free time then be stuck in a war lost at match up.
    It's wars like these that make clans not want to war. No one wants to feel like a bully on the winning side of these matches and you don't want to be stuck being the mith farm on the losing side.
    There's something not working within the match system. Wars are being won based on who got the lucky side of the match up, not who had a better strategy or execution.
  14. Exactly warlor the weaker side should have the bigger numbers. To give the stronger clan the xtra people is a joke.

    But no worries the xstal river keeps flowing so lets ignore us complainers.
  15. Same complains. Quite awhile ago went to war with worms I believe-worms had LARGER number(by 2 or 3) AND stronger team(Im using this cuz that was the only time when I encountered the situation--well I dont war a lot...). Thats just totally one sided and USUALLY causes 1 side to be completely outmatched.

    Well, since devs loves us to use crystals, lets say this: usually more fair match ups = more competition = usage of crystals will be higher. When war is totally one sided the losing team sometimes has no thought of using crystals, and the winning side wont need crystals due to half-full bars all the time.
  16. Wow I remember asking the same questions a few weeks ago Valor only to be chastised by you yourself and you clan mate. Funny how its only a legitimate question when you ask it but other are weak and whiners. FYI for future reference when others ask such questions don't be so quick to call them whiners cause now the shoe is on the other foot and here you are doing the same thing.
    We all want fair n balanced matches no one wants one sides wars they are boring but they happen. I believe your response to that same question was better tactics deal with it.
  17. Yes very interesting SR. Funny how a couple beat downs must only now indicate a flawed system. Think of all those one sided fights in poor Valors history. It must tactics. Welcome to the same EE game everyone else plays. Congrats Zaft, Battlegrounds, and Rising Hawks. Well done.
  18. @ Val, check your post for week 3, war 3, pages 2
  19. Every clan gets wars where they outmatch the enemy, and every clan gets wars where they are outmatched by the enemy. Lots of those are very difficult to win (assuming both clans have reasonable wars builds, experience, and strategy). However, there are a good number of wars that ARE up for grabs... Even if you are a bit smaller, if you have a better strategy you can still easily win. There is no point in focusing on what you can't control (matchups) and instead, everyone should try to focus on what they can control, which is strategy for when a fair match hits. 
  20. Pages 2 and 5. "a weaker clan can beat a stronger one", "a good strategy can over come a lot", "there has to be a winner". those all on page 2, and my favorite "strategy starts before match up".
    Clan strategies have changed and put the shoe on the other foot. God where's Al Bundy? 