Estoc Trials - Week 6 of Test Wars - War 5/6

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. News
    Here is some preliminary score analysis we have done. The % of wars that have a score differential of under 25% has gone up by 40%, which is a great sign. The % of wars with a score differential above 100% has gone down by 4%, which isn't much, but still a positive step forward.

    War 5
    No Matches: 4

    S.0.T. Reborn - Weakest in build stats, due to this, we could not find you a match within range.

    imperial assasins - Too weak in all areas for us to find you a match.

    Warthog Strafe Run & Rising Hawks - Both of you had perfectly fine total stats in all areas, but when we looked at your individual members that signed up, we could not find you any comparable matches. This could be that you had many very weak players (padding your roster with low stat players) or a few super high end players. It could also be due to some members having very irregular builds.

    War 6

    Patriots of War & Lest_We_Forget - You were two of the weaker clans to sign up, and the best hit ratio between another clan was in the 50% range. We require a higher hit ratio for us to put you into a match. Please try to signup with stronger members.
  2. My clan. Vs rising hawks. What.

    They are litteraly the best ee clan. We can't even hit their top 3???
  3. What is irregular build? give us an example, so we can manage it, thanks.
  4. Sign up is a joke devs go back to season 1 set up
  5. Not even funny devs, in fact it's pure bs match up we got.
  6. I'm not warring, but I agree the clan that got Rising Hawks shouldn't have. Best of luck No Talent - No Future.... Also what is an "irregular build"? Would you please be kind and explain it to us KaW. Cheers
  7. 3rd war this weekend and 3rd war to go against a leader board clan with towers out of their ass. Thanks devs
  8. this war will start before I am fully regened. Why?
  9. @KaW_Admin

    Right now I don't care about your money grabbing wars!! what I really really want to know is how come you can post an ampersand and we can't!?

  10. Irregular build?? Erm how so
  11. You'd think by now, you'd have gotten some kind of decent match up system going.

    Oh well.
  12. Perhaps you should build towers then war ghost 
  13. Do you mind sharing your logic behind this matchup? 27 vs 29 , with the 29 being bigger.

    I'm just curious. Was it an oopsy?
  14. Well this is great I got match against the clan ranked 40th
  15. I didn't get my mith from TVP ?
  16. Got surprised by the devs when I saw they say "irregular build".
    What is a regular build then?

    Back to the time when EE just started last year, most of the players did not have massive static defence towers. So it was "irregular" to have too many towers.

    But what happened nowadays? Towers are a must for good warriors or people seriously hopping to win wars. So builds with towers are "regular" now. Only those war newbies are still wishing to win without sacrificing a bit and build towers, and they cry when matched against clans full of towers.

    But, is there anyone who stopped you from changing build? No! You just don't want to pay the costs to success.

    We change ourselves to learn your system and try out best to fit into it no matter how you change it. But the only thing some people can do is to cry and whine without even trying to adapt no matter what you do.

    One thing that keeps me KaWing is the diversity of game culture. And I suppose this is the same for many players here and diversity is what you have been encouraging. I hope you still keep that in mind when you make changes.

  17. So you match my clan in a war and yet I can not hit anyone because I am too small and they had more people. U guys need to figure this out.
  18. I'd like to see the magical hit ratio and all other accounted for statistical factors between Rising Hawks and no talent no future to be considered within the margin of match making.

    Does no talent no future also have "irregular" builds?

    Btw come out and say what you really mean with "irregular" builds. Warriors that you make almost no plunder off from or ones you couldn't touch with an Abraham's tank.

    I understand everyone's frustration, because most clans work hard to appease the kaw dev gods week in and week out with these constant 'tweeks' in order to be best suited for an actual good and competitive war.

    We've had some really great matches lately and I am happy for that, but lets face it the only way to obtain mithril is through EE trials anymore, and I for one think it's lousy that we aren't informed of potential changes for weekend wars until hours before in most cases (war 1 changes were actually announced after matches which was hilarious).

    How hard is it really to inform a part of your player base of intended changes a few days in advance? It would be much appreciated I'm sure.
  19. Think that devs need a humour transplant. Be realistic in your match ups. You are driving this down the wrong way in a one way street. Perhaps you do not want these trials for the future. Good luck devs.