Estoc Trials - Week 5 Update??

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Queen, Jul 4, 2013.

  1. So where is it?? Is it going to be another last minute dash to put a roster together. For many clans it will be as the first war will be in 36 hrs  I guess then we can only hope that the WOC works huh?

    Waiting impatiently - I hope the changes are worth the wait 
  2. Agreed. But at this point they should not implement changes though, too short notice so clans would have no chance to make adjustments. Major changes should wait until next week
  3. Maybe they are struggling with the guild hansel issue and can't find a way around it? They did say in the wars 5
  4. Grrrrr devs cut my post off  have I stumbled on something and they are trying to shut me up 
  5. I've been waiting since monday. Devs pls put up the war timings soon. Thank you.
  6. Right now, it is almost 6am in Vancouver, BC a location of APA main office.
    I would not expect any war announcement at least for 3-4 hours - the earliest.
  7. This is not funny for your paying customers - please release update soon 
  8. Err ATA, not APA
  9. Hmmm another relentless o_O
  10. Are you seriously that self centered? You think they should give up sleep, just so you can find out what kind of roster to put out for something that's still over a day away? Time for the devs to cancel EE altogether, and bring back 48 hour wars with the same matchup system. See if that gets you to stop your complaining.
  11. For some reason i think that would bring in a lot of complaints o_O ^
  12. @superman- hell yeah they should
  13. They should also give a massive mith drop, equivalent to the 24 wars
  14. I support the 48hour wars don't get me wrong I'm just saying the complaints would fly up faster than... I should probably not make any references here
  15. @ Superman. You obviously have never tried to organise a war in your kaw life. Updates give clans and members advanced warnings of when wars are. Some ppl have lives outside of kaw. And for info, if we keep the same schedule the first war is now in 30 hrs. You try to put a roster together in that time if you are not in a dedicated war clan?
  16. We will all be alright.

  17. Patience is a virtue. Chill.
  18. That would be so much fun superman.
  19. OP's just voicing what's on the mind of every war coordinator in kaw right now. I don't think this makes her ungrateful. The devs HAVE pulled really weird, last-minute updates before.

    At the very least, knowing the war schedules, durations, and min/max participants would be extremely helpful.
  20. Exactly sis. And tbh how late they post the update doesn't affect my clan. This is for the kawmunity not my own selfish or ungrateful needs and desires 