Estoc Trials - Week 5 of Test Wars - War 6

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jul 7, 2013.

  1. News
    * Please be advised that we are running experiments with the current set of wars. We'll be running another set of different experiments next weekend.

    War 6
    PDT - Sunday - 1pm-1:30pm
    EDT - Sunday - 4pm-4:30pm
    GMT - Sunday - 8pm-8:30pm
    SGT - Monday - 4am-4:30am

    Signups: 48
    No Match: 2

    V-Hawks your BFA was 3 times higher than anyone else in your build stats range.

    DiViNuM FuRoReM odd man out situation.

    War 6
    X-Axis - Clan sizes
    Y-Axis - # of signups

    As per usual, we will be monitoring clan BFA numbers and we will address any suspicious activity throughout the coming war. Please keep BFA changes post-sign up to a reasonable minimum! Anything beyond that and you will be warned and risk losing rewards and/or match-ups!

    **UPDATE** something strange happened and the data reported was from another past war. Apologies for the error. It was likely human.
  2. Fast on the case
  3. Stop people from re-equiping and buying allies after matchup this one way you can stop mismatch. We got alot of that during this weeks trial wars.
  4. Bfe not part of the equation so messing with ur equip post match up does nothing

    Buying bfa however I have seen first hand but devs say they are "watching for it" but if the bigger clan is the one doing it not only getting bigger but might have pushed them out of match up range for the smaller clan yeah it's a problem
  5. Equipment has no effect on matchup system at this time.

    They currently monitor ally hiring. However, it is my understanding that even before they did that the ally hiring that was going on had almost no effect on who got matched with who.
  6. Ally hiring affects matchup
  7. I meant hiring allies after matchup affects wars bcos the other team will have a higher bfa than what they had when they were matched up
  8. Devs this system creates the most boring wars ever. I spend 2 hours non stop spamming for opens. This is the worst replacement possible creating nothing but turtling.

    Bring back the trackers and a fixed time that way I can at least hit those who are coming up instead of this random bs.

    I literally lost interest half way through this war due to non stop spamming to get 1 hit in.
  9. War 5 details?
  10. Looks like devs did good for war 6 matchups....some really good matches...that POC vs SOTRA F. Was epic and also the clash of titans between rising hawks vs SOTRA...tgia also did good and beat SOTUW...I only wish they post the results of the wars in forum so all can see along with the world chat announcements...just thought I'd give the devs a "ata boy" lol
  11. Man, I cannot believe my number of actions, even after 2 xtals.. I bought xtals fr war, just to hv 14 actions in the entire war ?!

    I hv had defeats in the past, but at least my number of actions did compensate fr the loss.. I hv been seeing this a lot lately.. Is this simply a case of hugely mismatched matchups or clans using bots ?!
    I hv seen cases where I ws scouting players successfully under the 5 min KO advantage with several of my clannies open fr attacks. But the next moment, the player I was scouting, attacks me back and pins me. How can anyone know whuch player is scouting unless they are using bots.

    And yes, I would like to add here that all my scouting actions were successful, when I ws under the 5 min KO advantage.. So there is no way of finding out !!
  12. I agree it was a mismatch immortal. But do not accuse clans of cheating or using bots without any evidence. We had our spam targets then we call out. When u have a whole clan up, u won't be able to stay up too long once we find u. It's basic strategy and good execution of it. We don't choose our match ups.. That's the devs fault. Do not try to pass blame on a clan that just executed well.
  13. Thanks for War 6 match up details. Also thanks for War 4 details.

    Was the War 5 match up details guy not on duty over the weekend or shall we just not bother with it at all.?

    No, no doesn't matter does it? It's not as if we pay money and use our time to play this game is it?

    You just chill out over the weekend. Put your feet up. Here...have another beer and relax

  14. King bro, I know this matchup (War 6) ws just a case of a mismatch.. But I hv seen other matches this weekend, where even successful scouts and assasinations hv actually been returned back by an attack and a subsequent pin.

    I don't want to take names here, but believe me bro, I hv faced this. And I don't think this is possible without bots.

    Btw, u guys did play well.. Kudos
  15. Did anyone else have have a problem with be forced out early automaticity after 5 mins? I was busy posting in cc one if the times so I know it wasnt an accidental hit that brought me back into war
    One of my clanmates had the same problem war 2 , I didn't believe him until this war lol
  16. Ok let's see bots.
    Took 60 incoming each xtal in seconds the other war. And killed at the start. Was it bots or scripts.
    Nah it was friends that knew me and didn't want me up during the war doing a perfect job as a team kicking my ass.
    No need to cry foul over huge actions in a few seconds. It's not all cheating. Most of it is damn good team work.

    Some of that still exists in these wars but gotta admit. The new format is so utterly boring. Win or lose its no fun playing whack a mole. 28 moles all popping their heads up for 1-2 seconds if your lucky. So few troops they sko on the one or two of the clan left up and re turtle.
    The random element has made it worse than old turtle wars as you cannot find regen times. And without a close ability to track ( smaller pop up window. 1 minute maximum ) and 14 minute with that 1 minute window at least.

    If your going to run this format it's going to bore us to death. Death of ee wars that is. When winning is boring why should we bother?
    C'mon devs stop all the changes we don't need and give us a chance to enjoy winning.
    Losing sucks but now that's just as boring. Hit the ones up sko and what do you know. 1-2 seconds approx and your back out of the game for another 5-10 minutes barely able to sweep while ko with tight window so bored out of your skull. So little time playing for a two hour war.
  17. I would like to say yes big mismatch between outlawz and kings castle BUT us at outlawz DO not think kings cheated in ee war they as just to big on cs and massive over stats on bfe and I would like to say sorry for immortal as he was a ee guest and is no way part off the outlawz family
  18. I personally cannot say we had a decent matchup all weekend hope next weekend fixes things and maybe we will finally hit clan we can compete with size and bfa wise. Thanks devs
  19. Wondering how someone can hit me after im ko? This meant that i had only 4% att and 8% spy after first regen.
  20. Thanks devs was a perfect match between unbeknown and killers united was back and forth
    There was one glitch i had, i skoed and it showed i skoed in cc but in wr it said i was koed i know this cause it was my first sko and on wr it showed 1/1 one i koed and one i was koed...?