Estoc Trials - Week 5 of Test Wars - War 1

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. News
    * Please be advised that we are running experiments with the current set of wars. We'll be running another set of different experiments next weekend.

    War 1
    PDT - Friday - 1pm-1:30pm
    EDT - Friday - 4pm-4:30pm
    GMT - Friday - 8pm-8:30pm
    SGT - Saturday - 4am-4:30am

    Signups: 44
    No Match: 2

    Mercenaries Unlimited your BFA and build stats were significantly lower than any other clan that singed up.

    ZAFT Destiny you ended up in an odd man out situation.

    War 1
    X-Axis - Clan sizes
    Y-Axis - # of signups

    As per usual, we will be monitoring clan BFA numbers and we will address any suspicious activity throughout the coming war. Please keep BFA changes post-sign up to a reasonable minimum! Anything beyond that and you will be warned and risk losing rewards and/or match-ups!

    **UPDATE** something strange happened and the data reported was from another past war. Apologies for the error. It was likely human.
  2. Kaw_admin are you sure that graphic is right? Since the number of members have been limited to 26-29 seeing other sign up numbers looks wrong, or did I read the war update wrong?
  3. The range says 26-29 on the week 5 briefing...
  4. Just wondering kaw admin how we matched a clan with 2 hlbc when we have 0 also their top 3 higher than our 1. They have higher bfa and overall stats are 40 mil cs higher with more bfe also. Can you explain how you matched no talent no future and spartans of the underworld?
  5. Clarify:

    When you say to keep BFA changes to a minimum post sign ups, do you mean when the clan signs up or when we're matched? ;)
  6. Um.. Rising Hawks got a match up..
  7. Oh whoops.. You updated it. My bad. 
  8. Devs these wars you created to replace turtle wars (system wars) have now turned into exactly that.

    This was the most boring war I have ever been a part of.

    Dislike this system of estocs return to original mechs.
  9. Pls resume back last week war system, thank you
  11. This was a freaking mis match!!!
  12. The 10 minute regen time with a 5 minute advantage is simply too short of a regen to be effective. Most of the time you fail your actions against a target that is up.

    On the other hand, if you are up, it is a spam fest to try and catch an opponent who might pop up. Think whack-a-mole.

    Many people have suggested a 15 minute regen with an option to come out at 13 minutes. This seems to give a little to each side. Longer regens and still being able to "surprise" the other team and saving the team that is up from a 5 minute spam fest.


  13. Sorry old doomsday back again 
    New format. Sorry devs as said it sucks and damages tactics exactly as predicted.
    Sorry not crying about a loss got the win and good war considering.
    But this new system is just chase the enemy till they sneak in an sko before they are hit.
    The delay in news restricts ability to return fire half the time.
    Random ability to sko destroys tracking and tactics further whilst the ten minutes max makes it almost impossible to sweep. From 0 troops by the time you have regened to sweep any action outs you back in war after 1-2 minutes.
    Not being able to count actions makes it harder to check double xtals
    Get a ko and your the target they sko on as that's the easiest way to see who is up now.
    This change is destroying wars.
    The set ten minutes was a lot better. If you must do self decide to come out of ko the two things needed are simple
    1 a button to enable you to come out of ko. Not an action so you can still sweep and report whilst you are down being an effective tool for the clan.
    2 make the window substantially smaller ie 1 minute to enable an element of tracking.

    Pen and paper work just fine for that. At the moment it's just pot luck and xtal runs and sit on top plunders or known targets with a record you know is good in ee
    Keep this system all wars only need to be an hour long 2 hours turtling is just to boring and frustrating to kill an evening on.

    Make a few adjustments these wars could and should be great.
    Keep changing due to people crying about losing once or twice a month and things won't improve
    Many are losing faith with the loss of tactics and current system and changes.
    Doomsday some may say. Ok one person but face it. If you want to keep the wars running listen to feedback from all rejecting these changes and what they are asking for to improve the system. Ie gh exploits which is easily solved. Don't keep rejecting your majority of players for the sake of a few.
    And bring the fun back to the wars.
    My opinion and feedback on current trial next please. And open discussion with community on proposed trials and what you are aiming for. There are a lot of intelligent players that can offer feedback in ideas before a trial that blows out enthusiasm for wars.
    Sorry to other players for being long winded. Wouldn't fit in feedback. 
  14. Summer wars? Please.
  15. You really just make a set number for war 25 or 30 but keep it the same cause obviously it doesn't matter if it is even or not you gonna match up who the hell you want. With this system you continue to try numbers can make a huge difference.
  16. I'm getting Defender too Weak on attk when the opponent still has troops. It said that was being removed this week and it wasn't.

    Also I HATE coming out at 5 min. Please go to 10 min with 5 min option
  17. Not enough troops up to have any fun out of ko...
    I'm no longer having fun with these rules. Last weekends ko rules would be nice.... what about 8-12min advantage or random... doesnt matter... or 10-15?

  18. I still think 15 with only a 1-2 minute advantage would help the clans still who like the advantage timing but leave us enough regen we don't 1 sko 2 lose all actions cause not enough troops
    And satisfy the people like me who hate the turtling aspect and the spamming targets for whole 2 hrs instead of using real tactics in war
  19. I am by no means experienced in war I do not know how it worked in the past or how it works now but I can tell you this when you go to war thinking you're going to be evenly matched you are wrong this system in no way evenly matches you with your opponent when your top member has the same CS as there 13th member that is not matched evenly by no means everyone likes to have a little fight they don't like to be a doormat if I can't choose the team I'm fighting against I would like to have one that I can at least have a chance to beat ....... I am completely and utterly unsatisfied with the way it out the teams....