Signups: 47 No Match: 7 We're Screwed - Your BFA was higher by 3X-5X than all suitable clans in your range. GHC Silent Killers - There weren't enough clans of suitable BFA in your build range and you ended up the odd man out. Lowering your BFA by around 2X should help. House Do'Urden - Increasing your BFA by around 3X should help. There weren't any suitable clans in your build range. -Death Before Dishonor- - Your BFA was lower by 4X than all other clans in your range. Phoenix Elites - You signed up with 32 members and the closest clan to that size had 3X less BFA so you ended up without a match. Spartans of The under world - Your BFA was higher by 3X in your strength range. The First Realm of HELL - You were the weakest clan to sign up. Your build strength needs at least 4X more and your BFA around 5X to match up against the clans above you. I suggest signing up with stronger members next time. Clan Size breakdown X-Axis - Clan sizes Y-Axis - # of signups As per usual, we will be monitoring clan BFA numbers and we will address any suspicious activity throughout the coming war. Please keep BFA changes post-sign up to a reasonable minimum! A 5% increase is considered OK. Anything beyond that and you will be warned and risk losing rewards and/or match-ups!
I always love looking at the pretty graphs... Best part about these threads. There's a lot of BFA issues in there...
Better lets make no-match also!! then war match against a) stronger clan and b) with 2 or more ppl advantage! It´s very demotivating to know we lost (Rancor lvl) before the war ´ll start. Or the both clans should be able to confirm (some new buttom) before war start they both accept war against oponent even thay can loose Rancon (if not accepted, then nomatch pls or match w/o loosing rancon lvl)
Is there any chance that you can send the clans that are matched up with each other what their stats are? Such as what makes one clan ranked 19/52 and the other 20/52. I think this will help a lot of clans feel more comfortable about who they are getting matched with. Unless of course you don't want this info out there...
EE WAR LEVELLER - Disable all BFA attributes for each war. Make it a BUILD vs BUILD only(only advantage is ur build stats/equipment/reset bonus/pro packs) Easy win for less No Match scenarios.
Thanks for addressing the okay %. But 5% isn't much of an increase and doesn't seem like that small of a jump would help any.
I can't believe even up to this point devs are still doing bad match ups.... when we got matched today it said 30/47 with size 26 vs 29/47 size 27.... Loooks good, except CS difference was133mil vs 199mil. EVERY single player was much bigger than us.. thats just incompetence
You have a forum telling people why they did not match today that was 7 out of 47 clan can the 40 who did match get a forum explaining how they got matched?