Estoc Trials - Week 3 of Test Wars - War 6

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jun 23, 2013.

  1. News
    * Please be advised that we are running experiments with the current set of wars. We'll be running another set of different experiments next weekend.

    War 6
    Random KO with Advantage
    Duration: 2 hours
    Crystals: 2
    KO: Random KO time between 10-20 minutes. Players can choose to come out 5 minutes before their random KO time.
    Roster Size: Minimum 25, Maximum 33
    PDT - Sunday - 1pm-1:30pm
    EDT - Sunday - 4pm-4:30pm
    GMT - Sunday - 8pm-8:30pm
    SGT - Monday - 4am-4:30am

    Signups: 56
    No Match: 4

    Macto Obligatus your build stats were too low to match you with anyone in your BFA range and your sign up size.

    A V A L O N you would have had many matches but your high signup size omitted them from matching with you.

    1XContract-killersX1 you build stats and BFA were too low to match you with any other clans.

    Black Ops. your build stats and BFA were even lower than 1XContract-killersX1 resulting in no possible matches.

    War #6
    X-Axis - Clan sizes
    Y-Axis - # of signups

    Random KO Times
    Players will now come out of KO at a random interval. This varies for each war, so check the war details for the exact times. This is something that you asked for in feedback, so please let us know how it plays!

    As per usual, we will be monitoring clan BFA numbers and we will address any suspicious activity throughout the coming war. Please keep BFA changes post-sign up to a reasonable minimum! Anything beyond that and you will be warned and risk losing rewards and/or match-ups!
  2. New war system rules! Enjoyed random out-of-KO times limiting effectivity of timers. The KO times are also long enough to make a cup of tea, grab a beer, roll one up etc.
  3. In my opinion just change the time u came out from ko to 10-15min. This way ppl not need to wait that long thats all 20min its too much time to wait( in my opinion)
  4. Under contracts killers description you put "to low" instead of "too low". Not sure if you wanna fix that. Sorry, grammar nazi is coming out in me ;)
  5. A win but to be honest sorry devs this random ko is just really boring.
    Non stop sweeping the odd chance to get them before they sko in 2 seconds when they choose to come up.
    No chance to track which I never thought I'd say is way easier even done with own and paper than constantly sweeping during a boring as turtle war where you can't find our your opponents regen cycle like the old old turtle wars. There is no skill left.
    It's just pure boredom and frustration now the whole war even when your winning. I miss tactics and teams working well together. Wars sucked before for losers. They always will.
    But now without being able to out tactics ( proper team tactics ) in place and have that fun of everything going smoothly it is just frustration and boring when you have won. Bring back the old fluid system. Allow us to track to within a minute. It gives them and the decent trackers a chance.
    Keep it like this I may stop warring out of boredom
  6. U should of Done contract killers ops
  7. We'll take black ops or contracts anyday instead of LA SOTRA POC bloody mismatches
  8. Alot of mismathes and too low sign up turn outs.... Seriously devs shud look into this....
  9. Ok bored what do we need
    1 minute come up windows.
    2 tracking mainly back in.
    BFE in system for figures.
    Divisions with no mismatches. ( except of man out )
    War roster = yada has 150000 gold ranked 1
    But doesn't change position every second bouncing your target and fastest way to sweep all over the place. Find em and they move. So not cool.
    This system gives boredom frustration my head is just bad buzz I want to blow it off. Please don't make me war again it's too damn boring doing so well and coming out feeling like I had no fun. I want my kawcaine and fun back. Deny me that I may do one of two things. Explode stripp ass naked and farm kaw or go sulk in thte corner as kaw destroyed my wars. Fun fun fun I wants my fun I want victims and blood and gore and tears on my wall. I cannot kaw well and be bored at the same time it's too boring. Honest to god it is let us war again I beg of you. And enchants darn greaves so I can buy xtals on this account again. 
  10. Totally agree with Emp the Dark Knight. Unfortunately the Developers have been hearing the issue of including BFE into the match ups for fairness in wars foe weeks now. Wulf himself even stard it last week. Apperently the developrs dont care about the little clans that may want to get into the EE wars this summer. They apparently only care about the clans that exploit the BFE to get their match up with a smaller clan without any of the more powerful equipment so they can have an easy victory. Until the developers address this issue and include BFE into the pairing of wars they will never get the top 200 clans to register for the upcoming season. My prediction will be they only get 60-70 clans to register and thats on a high end guess. And out of those match ups 60-70 % will be miss matched badly. Good luck to those who want to enter a totally unfair match up system and thats not aimed at the clans that exploit BFE.
  11. I don't see why people who don't even war are complaining. Great job Devs
  12. These tests you are running so far are interesting fluff, in my opinion. Until match ups are fixed the ko types don't matter. Until match ups are fixed there is little to no valuable feed back on these. Winners are more likely to like the changes, losers less so. Please fix the matching issues first.
  13. I agree Jethro and the rest mismatches are horrible this week and tht random regen stuff takes the fun out of the game and removes most of the strategies
  14. I'm sorry, but I liked the old way when y'all first put out the paladin equipment. I liked it that way better. I haven't wared on this new system, and I don't think I will from what I've been hearing. Would like to get full paladin armour and weapons, but with the wars going this Bad. It don't look like I will be getting them.
  15. One truelly does not have to war D-A to see that the system is extremely flawed. I can see why you would say great job Devs look at your equipment and most others in your clan. To match your clan against a newer clan to the EE war system is a joke. No disrespect intented as you earned the equipment you have now. The issue is matching a clan of high BFE to a clan with normal BFE and reg equipment is totally unfair. The Devs needs to match up clans with BFE and BFA with similar stats so more clans have a chance at earning the equipment and getting stronger with in turn would in the long run lead to much better wars and more evenly matched wars. Until the way the Devs complile the match ups I will not take part in anymore EE wars and highly suggest that others with regular equipment follow the same direction and boycott all wars till system is fixed properly.
  16. Its completely understandable when they say match clans with good bfe to clans with same bfe.its totally fair.Yes bfa is counted and bfe should also be counted.
    But then u have to see the drawbacks too.Exploiting the system would be much easier.Now u just have to unequip to get a no match(free 14 miths every time)
    And i dont see any reason to change guild hansels as the newbs can also be guild hansels.Rather the newbs should be happy coz if they havent been warring,they would have been collecting tons of gold and might easily be land clear gh till now.
    There seems no problem with new ko times but yea there have been mismatches making one clan overpowered and bfa and bfe playing important roles in that.
    Imo devs just need to put up polls if they need changes.otherwise somebody or the other will keep crying.let the people decide what they want if you dont want peeps to be whinning around
  17. Note to self don't write in forums when frustrated and doped up on meds after a totally boring war.
    And da if you mean people like me who don't war. Ya don't me at all then, I war a lot but have lost my love for them due to all the changes.

    What we need it seems is ( in English this time)

    1 one minute windows where players can choose to come up. This allows tracking but not totally to the second. And doesn't destroy all tactics.

    2 BFE in figures but....
    Stat ranges need to be variable with the clans that sign up. Each sign up gets set divisions. These divisions can then be totally matched up except for odd man out. ( less odd man out due to slightly looser control but all stats factored in )
    Why divisions? Because otherwise you end up with clan A constantly vs clan B, clan C vs clan D etc. boring and statistically clan A and C should always win. A no repeat ( unless no other option in division allows for more variety in matches and no clan wipeouts through set matchups )

    Wars with equal number of people. 30 per team for example.
    Trial some with 15 for smaller clans.
    No extra xtals or people to unbalance wars.

    Trail two while we are at it. Regen from ko with full troops with half troops from sko. Sko should be a penalty and it not a reward. Teamwork would be required to choose who to ko and keep Down ect not giving away all tactics for that but worth a trial.
    Failing that double the speed of troop regeneration players might actually stay up for 4 seconds this way. ( still 4 seconds less than ideal to find them but hey it's a start )

    War roster needs to have members listed in strength statically with a gold earnt number next to them. Moving roster is a total pain in the bleep when sweeping. You see someone jump as they offload and then have to find them again. Far better to watch the numbers change and get them faster with this random nonsense.
    Grief reading my last post made me realise just how bored and frustrated I was after winning a war last night.
    They are supposed to be fun.
    Please let us work as teams with tactics and get this game back to a fun war system not one where winning is more frustrating than losing sweeping for the 2 seconds it takes a player to offload.

    And if you want to balance out the system as stated before equipment has for stupid. Non mith equipment can't match up to mith so the minimum you can do is reduce the price of aqua and no fails for enchants using aqua. Paying for it is ok if no fails but 1 xtal per aqua max is all I would ever pay.
    And for the love of all that is ***** reduce the fail rate for enchants on all equipment it's a joke.
    If you want everyone trying to war they need enchanted equipment without it they stand no chance what so ever. Those of us with BFE from red plus know that only too well at their expense. It is like a free win when we get clans with little BFE.
    Ok back to making sense else where. Happy kawing everyone.
  18. Dear devs

    When it comes to EE wars I would be considered an old veteran. I warred the first EE wars and continued to war in EE pretty religiously up to this point, but this new system is not a solution.

    All of this random bs just rewards those who are poorly prepared. I think it's a joke when a clan loses when they controlled the war the whole time had more members up and the other team wins due to them sko'ing fast so I can't hit them.

    EE wars were the pvp answer to system wars when it became nothing but a turtle fest and you spent the whole time sweeping for open targets. Well look at what you turned EE's into. I spend the whole time sweeping for open targets which is stupid and is about as boring as you can get.

    The more you keep changing wars the less I want to war. Those clans who have a true strategy and teamwork get punished so the average EB noob can come in and war.

    All in all season 1 rules and dynamics were a much better way to war. I will most likely not want to invest as much time into season 2 if things continue to go as they are.

  19. Emp I really like everything you said and agree with almost all of it. I dont think its right to punish or take away from bfe that people worked hard to get thru war but I liked your idea to enhance aspects of equip gained through ebs rather then doc mith equip.