Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 13 - WAR 3

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. War 3
    2 hour war, 10 minute KO
    PDT - Saturday - 7am-7:30am
    EDT - Saturday - 10am-10:30am
    GMT - Saturday - 2pm-2:30pm
    SGT - Saturday - 10pm-10:30pm

    SIgnups: 34
    No Matches: 2

    Pillars of Chaos and MDK War you both had the lowest combined stats, BFA, BFE and build strength. But we could not match you with each other because not enough of your members would have been able to hit each other.
  2. Thanks devs for a great war la resistance vs battlegrounds

    We had so much fun warring a clan that is soooo much stronger then us. We only managed to lol 7 at start then within 10 min all 29 were up all war: ) respect to BG u guys r great

    Thx devs for wasting my time I woke up early for such a mis match plz fix matchups
  3. Lol is supposed to say *ko
  4. How about the Acoustic Sunrise vs Rising Hawks?that is great fvcking match up
  5. Ty devs for b2b mismatches and wasting my time. I quit war
  6. Respect to LaRes.

    Looking at combined stats both clans were close with battlegrounds having a bit of an edge. However, our bfa and bfe completely overpowered them. I just don't see what developers are using to make these matches.

    There's no way these 2 factors had been taken into consideration. We were surprised to see out opponents war roster. This isn't the first time we've been matched against a Great War clan that just doesn't pack the same firepower that we did.

    Had the strength been balanced, this may had been a Great War. But, alas, it was again a complete bust by the developers to find a better way of balancing matches for better war results. We are in the last week before Season 2 and still are way off from where we need to be to have a successful season.

    Again, LaRes is a great bunch of warriors and deserve a ton of respect. 
  7. How about devil's wrath vs perkutut army. Its feeding frenzy! Killinh spree! You know what im sayin. Were not even that close!
  8. The Devs must be looking at different stats than we have. What a lot of mismatches. Used to have a fighting chance. Get it right its not even fun any more.
  9. Devs didn't change anything for the prior weeks of screw up did any expect the matches to get better? it is a crap shoot, the devs decide who wins most of these by the matchup. they obviously aren't going to change it cause it allows lb players to play and get easy wins and rancor. they spend the most money so that is who they are going to help.
  10. I think the matching issues are mainly due to bfa - devs aren't really looking at bfa when they match. But at the same time, i think devs can't look at bfa, I bet if they did...there would be more clans not being matched.

    I do think it would at least b more fair if dts/dtw is in affect when an someone is hitting someone with substantially smaller bfa.
  11. Devs...well i must say plz work on ur system.......the new update today......bought tons of lag with it.....also the incs were coming too late.....i was on 10mbps wifi connection....still faces so much lag amd late incs.....also the stepa u gave that u follow to match clans didnt suit our match with wingless_archangel.

    they had high bfa as compared to us. Also they had higher total cs.

    plz work on match-Up system.Cozbibam afraid of this would be the match up system then season2 os gonna be a grt flop.
  12. I think matching has gotten better to a point.... 4 out of our last 5 wars against LaR every war close either way very well matched problem is at the top there are 4 clans to match each other NWoCB,Elysium,Warlor,BG if one of the three doesn't war you match them with next closest which isn't even a close match. The next group of war clans are miles behind in bfa.
  13. @Biggie, the problem continues to be the same at the top level. Perhaps one of those 4 clans don't opt all their strength in and war weak , the Devs think nothing of matching 2lb against 10 or 12lb. Which obviously makes for unfair wars. Each of the higher tier clans have experienced it. If they war weak they should be matched appropriately. The Devs have done nothing to adjust the bfa ratio range in matching. Bfe has little effect against bfa, so a Lv 10 sword might make a huge difference on a gh fighting at a lower tier, it doesn't nothing to win a successful attack on a top 50 lb player.
  14. I totally agree with you Val. I know it can be just as bad just stating at our range why we catch a mismatch. Bfa needs to carry more in war than anything but I believe the devs don't like having no matches.
  15. Yep. I blame warlor not warring for us getting BG . There are 4 really big clans bunched and if 1 doesn't war someone is in for a real treat 
  16. LaR got that treat today. Us last night lol . No biggie though. Just take your lumps and learn. BG has a nice new tactic up their sleeves that we are gonna steal lol. U rarely learn anything in a win. Losses are where u figure things out and grow as a clan regardless of how bad a slaughter.
  17. I do not believe for one second that season 1 counted bfa correctly either. Just look at the historical data.. It's not just 'superior skill'. That being said it wasn't the only 'exploit' although most others have been fixed.

    Speaking for our matchups, they look like they're going in the right direction.
  18. 2 no matches, several mismatches and a few good matchups. More will quit warring with such system in placed.
  19. Very true rude every time I war you I'm writing **** down even if I have to sit on a donut for a week.
  20. Just wondering if devs has calculated success hit ratio instead of just hit ratio.