Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 11 - War 4

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. War 4
    2 hour war, 10 minute KO
    PDT - Saturday - 7pm-7:30pm
    EDT - Saturday - 10pm-10:30pm
    GMT - Sunday - 2am-2:30am
    SGT - Sunday - 10am-10:30am

    Signups: 41
    Not Match: 3

    No Match Found and Just Dreams we tried to match you based on your combined stats, BFA and BFE but the hit ratio craeted a no match.

    The OutlawZ you ended up as odd man out.
  2. We sure are living up to our name.

    Hit ratio? What's the problem with this dam hit ratio. What can we do
  3. We signed up for war 4, and had a Wasteland Wilds (WW) eb running at the time. We knew we were ok to finish WW within the 1 hour shortened time frame for war. However, we were given a "no match" and before we could finish the WW, our rancor vision disappeared.

    So now we are basically being double punished, first for the no match - when we wanted to war, and second, because we can not run the VP eb for our consolation prize.

    Please extend rancor vision - so players have a full hour after sign up to complete their current EB, just like the players that got matches, as it is unfair to expect players to forfeit their current EB to run the VP eb.
  4. If they had matching stats then your hit ratio is obsolete and should have been disregarded.
  5. I was not going to post. But this is 21 wars in a row now. We r the smaller clan. 17 of them we were close too 100 CS disadvantage. Getting old. Fighting up hill battle every war

    1 hr with advantage possible to win. As u can turtle. Which annoys ppl.

    Today we out matched by way over 50 mil ca and we have 3 less ppl.

    The hit ratio method does not work.

    Pretty soon u will have less clans warring as half out clan is now fun shy to sign up.

    Well done Devs.
  6. Why don't you actually tell people what that can do to get a match.

    No point telling us we got no match, I'm pretty sure everyone understands that...

    These threads are so redundant it's laughable.
  7. U said craeted instead of created 
  8. Damn. Should fix my post

    Half our clan is gun shy about warring. Reason we only could get 26 today. And that was pulling teeth. This coming from a clan that has not missed a war since season 1
  9. Lol scac u should see bg vs night watch
    Bg has 5 that can't even hit there lowest player so what hope have we got 29 vs 24 
  10. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 11 - Wbullshitar 4

    At least 3 to 1 and prob 4 to 1 green red ratio and losing.what a f in joke...glad I wont have to spend anymore more on this silly game...ill enjoy helping peeps with ebs...but this is definitely the last time I buy xtals! Just silly!!!!
  11. Devs:

    I noticed this war has had a lot of "not enough unit" messages. I myself have had about 5-6 within a 1hr period, and it makes it almost impossible to knock yourself out. Any reason for this?
  12. Re: Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 1silly wars1 - War 4

    Never will I spend another dime on kaw...these wars just show how money grubbin the owners all have fun wasting your money on xtals to war..ill help the noobs beat ebs and try and teach them that its a your can get there without it!!
  13. Too many bad matches system not working
  14. This match up all around wasn't right. Come on..... Look at the numbers kaw. You may want relook at this past war
  15. Just seems like many clans took huge plunder leads, just far to many
  16. Still testing...i see Dev's please let us kick inactives/leaks during wsr. We had a lopsided match tonight, all were active, problem was we payed out great, them not so much. Thats besides the point.
    Sometimes things happen like someone could break their device ie, phone, tablet. Especially in a 2 hour war it makes a difference. Devs used to let us kick the leaks....please let us kick leaks halfway through wars during the season.
  17. I'm not one to "complain" about the war match on forums. However, I would like an explanation as to the past 2 matches for Epic Elite.
    War 3 vs. Devil's Reborn. Our CS total 187,768,058. Their CS total 272,578,948. That's 84,810,890 difference.
    So we raised our CS in order to compete with a clan of that strength, and you give us...
    War 4 vs. K.o.t.F.E. Our CS total 240,658,484. Their CS total 355,365,534. That's 114,707,050 difference. LB rank: us #1445, them #48.
    I do understand that roster CS is not the only factor, but that much of a discrepancy, that's absurd. I'd like to know how these matches, War 4 in particular, even happened?
  18. @ kaw_admin take a look at war 3 history then war 4 there are normally 40(plus) clans that sign up for each of these wars. Then look at today war 3 45 or so signed up war 4 25. You want to know y because the olayers in kaw are tired of the nonsense if u dont fix the problems with this system u will continualy see less and less signed up. U made 2.6k give or take a hundred or so on war 3 war 4 less than 1500 I for one dont care if you get paid or not but I know u do this should tell u something.
  19. Dev,
    Please review x factor and hells razor matchup... how did we get matched up with them? Cs difference was insane.
  20. Remember how we hated "no match", well they worked hard in dev land and found something worse!