Estoc Trials - Test Wars - Week 11 War 3

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. War 3
    2 hour war, 10 minute KO
    PDT - Saturday - 7am-7:30am
    EDT - Saturday - 10am-10:30am
    GMT - Saturday - 2pm-2:30pm
    SGT - Saturday - 10pm-10:30pm

    SIgn ups: 25
    No matches: 3

    Acoustic Sunrise, No Match Found we tried to match you with each other but the hit ratio prevented the match.

    LUPANG SINILANGAN odd man out.
  2. No Match Found got another no match
  3. Right so my clan don't do war 3 as a test and guess what... Kings castle next in line face up to nwocb. Looking at plunder score I guess KC came up against the nwocb lb brick wall. Would love to hear from KC to see what they think of the new match up system.

    Feel free to vent below  u never know the devs might listen
  4. Hey! Over here! Still have a burning question:

    It BFA effects the hit ratio of a player, why does BFE not also do the same? Both are static numbers, lol.

    BFE is locked at match now (lol), so that would be a more reasonable number to incorporate into 'hit ratio' than BFA, which can and does always seem to change after matchup.

    This is a huge inherent flaw with hit ratio calculations as after match, player(s) can technically adjust their bfa enough to change their 'hit ratio' either up or down the spectrum.

    Still can't understand how a variable, BFA, weighs so little on a static match making process, and the fixed bfe seems to weigh more. Seems backwards to me.
  5. The stats of the players on top from nights watch weren't that much different from their opponents top earners. Looks to me like they just have more experienced players and better strategy.
  6. Hah well Aan just showed his ignorance publicly. Congrats
  7. Aaan u should know better!!! U cant make assumptions about a matchup without analyzing both rosters, not just top plunders!

    Matchups are still pretty much a joke, not even a good one  always a clan mismatched, in every matchup it seems... Devs snap out of it already! Its not working, and you're not ready for season 2!
  8. Epic Elite vs Devils Reborn. With 27 players vs. 29 and 91mil cs disadvantage, do u srsly think its a fair match? I mean... At least give us a clan that has a closer total cs... Hit ratios mean nothing if the opponent over powers you and have a 6 bar advantage (not including xtals).
    IMO devs, just fix the match up system...

    You've been at it for 11 weeks now since season 1. Please get ur act together before season 2, or less and less clans will stop warring because of bad match ups and waste of gold/xtals.
  9. Aan: you obviously know nothing about this game or how the PvP mechanics work. Stop looking at raw stats. They tell you nothing useful. Look at the bfa difference and the fact that in the last 3 wars top 10 from NWoCB have not been able to be koed due to the fact no one can win atks on them.
    The war with kings castle and the last 3 wars against our clan is proof that the hit ratio formula DOES NOT WORK.
    Yes they can hit them stat wise my alt half my size can hit them so according to the formula they match up. If I'm understanding it properly. What needs to be factored is the rate of success due to stats/bfa/bfe. Which for 90% of kaw except for other lb players is about 0 to 1% success rate. Nowhere near the 90% the Devs claim.
    Until that is fixed this will continue to happen over n over again and less n less clans will sign up for war and EE wars will die. Just look at the drastic drop in numbers over the last few weeks and I predict it will be even lower this weekend.
    This is my last post on the matter like the rest of you tired of wasting my breath giving feedback only to fall on deaf ears.
  10. Problem is that devs can't answering concerning this matter...they don't know how to change it into the right way...
  11. Bfa and raw stats are more effective than bfe, bfe is the least important in that equation.... Seriously devs, step up 
  12.  Didn't devs under the old system start matching up Clan 1 versus Clan 2; Clan 3 versus Clan 4; etcetera?

    That didn't work for obvious reasons: The clan stacking the most LB got a garantueed blowout win

    So devs introduced the 'no match' to counter this. And a whole season and 11 trial weeks later we are back where we started??

    Gotta love progress wake up devs!!
  13. True resistance. I just threw that in for all the peeps crying over bfe at the beginning of these " test wars ". Which lead us to this current abomination of a matching system.
  14. Tbh, weeks 8-9-10-1, all our matches were a mismatch, even the ones we won.. We're either much weaker or stronger, in either case it was a mismatch to the other clan or ourselves. Plz devs, can we move on? This algorithm is not working. Scouts honor 
  15. I see a lot of complaints about what will not work, but very few suggestions about what might be done instead. That will probably help you a lot more than just outright complaint. A lot of the clans complaining still have a very respectable win/loss ratio as well over the last 3 weeks. Try to throw out more ideas with your complaints and we'll all be happier
  16. Ya devs these match ups are complete crap!! Go back to season 1 matchmaking plz and ty.

    A clan stacked with lb facing a clan like kings Castle is a complete joke. How is kings suppost to war facing 7lb vs 0 and they get matched??? Wtf where is the no match
  17. @Warlock, why dont we go ahead and develop it for them?  Actually, im really a developer in rl, give me an internship for 3 weeks n i promise more fair matchups and #BelleForVK 

  18. @ warlock there has been plenty of good suggestion from ppl far better at understanding the mechanics of kaw than me
    The devs seem to choose to ignore them
  19. There has been a plethora of constructive advice on how to improve matching, Warlock. The base complaint most have how much emphasis has been placed on 'hit ratio', and how, since 'plunder differentials' have been within 25%.

    It seems that most if not all possible solutions to balance matches more are being either ignored or side-stepped with vague answers. I'm sorry kaw_admin, but you opened this can of worms when you promised transparency to the player base and released a pile of garbage, but hey, at least the garbage was in a clear plastic bag!

    Being heavily outmatched can be overcome sometimes, as we have proven, but it becomes stale and hinders the growth of EE participation when all people see is arrogance on the part of those whom control the magical formulas, which is very sad since EE can and is so much fun.

    Win or lose, I'll keep doing EE, until my xtal stash is depleted, then I'm unsure of any future purchases myself.

    I think I've given enough to play this game as it is now, and appreciate the advances and 'attempts' to 'fix' game mechanics and match makings and war or not I'll still keep tapping these buttons a long as kaw exists.
  20. Go kemba!