Estoc Trials - TEST WAR 4

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. For this weekend, we will continue to provide the hit ratio and build/ally strength distribution breakdowns.

    Signups: 46 (updated from a typo of 47)
    No Matches: 4

    Hit Ratio between matchups

    * Higher the better. We will throw a no match at 0.75 or lower.


    Build/Ally Strength Differences between matchups

    * Lower the better. We will throw a no match at 0.30 or higher.


    No Matches

    DEATH from Weaklings, Future Legends and A V A L O N - An odd number of clans signed up within your build range, so you were the odd man out in this situation

    TheForgottenOnes - You were the weakest clan to sign up there was no possible match for your build range.


    - Notices have been fixed.

    - We have plans in place to address both Guild Hansel and equipment imbalances, and will announce these in the near future. These fixes are meant to complement this new way of matchmaking.
  2. Re: Estoc Trials - War 3 - TEST WAR 4

    Thanks. But wait, how can there be 47 sign up and 4 no matches? That would be uneven
  3. Re: Estoc Trials - War 3 - TEST WAR 4

    I think they ment 3, they only talked about 3
  4. Re: Estoc Trials - War 3 - TEST WAR 4

    i have spies n troops but says i was ko'd wth! i try to att n stl n says you dont have enough troops/spies
  5. Re: Estoc Trials - War 3 - TEST WAR 4

    Bogu! They can hit me but i cant hit back what kind of  is that, i say we all osw rising hawks, for exploiting the system. Whos game
  6. Re: Estoc Trials - War 3 - TEST WAR 4

    47 sign ups? 4 no matches? Do the math it doesn't add up. 47-4=43 43 is an odd number. So is a clan warring itself.
  7. Re: Estoc Trials - War 3 - TEST WAR 4

    Devs I'm curious how your build calculator works when a clan with 17 guild hansels can matchup with a clan that has 3. True, some of theirs have pretty high spy defense, but the total build strength shouldn't have been too close. Right?
  8. At least let us ff the last half hour or something, u should revisit the forfeit thing, maybe last half hour or sonething i mean we fight to end, i hope everyone burned 2 xtals, you got your money can we quit now and move on please?
  9. Thats how they beat everyone is eith theyre gh, if we team up maybe we can strip all theyre gh and make em reset
  10. Total crock these match ups!
  11. Dtw? But top of wr, and limited to 26-29, this is nuts, you can have 100 members but only 26-29 are allowed to war. I miss having 85 in for war, then i felt like a had a real clan, now i feel like a peice of a clan. Its like a constant struggle to be fair, i dont understand why? Lifes not fair, u win u lose but why cant we war as a clan why are we forced to war w 26-29 members seems ridicolous, i miss the 85 in for war; why not??
  12. im not vet at this ee and no expert, but just scrolling through the active wars i see alot of lop sided wars. this new method is to meant to make it more fair? i dont see how its working. i think the devs need to revisit the algorythym, and i havent had the issue but i know my clan mates have the recieve inc from someone but they recieve dtw when they try to hit them? and no they guy isnt pinned
  13. Lag is horrible much worse than before, i havnt even been getting ko notices in my newsfeed, still have men so i cant tekl which bar is pinned first
  14. This is the worst matchup I've ever seen!!
  15. devs you really consider the clan strengths or just match up blindly?? how come Rising hawks can hit us and we cant hit them due to DTW/ DTS worst match up waste of xtals pots for all of Unbeknown clan totally UNFAIR MATCHUP
  16. Hope the equip unbalances are fixed soon so that ee makes sense for everyone (both BFA and BFE accounts) instead of favouring one group of customers. While we wait, it's disadvantaging non BFE players potentially thousands of mith they aren't winning.
  18. Hands down, worst match up algorithm yet. Again, scale 1-10 on customer service......1. Listen to your customers requests and concerns. But as usual, all of the concerns fall on deaf ears.
  19. We are not talking about taking away BFE bonuses. We are talking about counting them in the equation for matchups in regards to overall clan strength.

    Would you prefer BFA wasn't counted? That'd work for ally lb players who've spent way more time and money on BFA than a season of ee.

    The current system just doesn't work unless they only want to cater to a small number of players who did first season. Others will just not ee and eventually not play.

    Am I missing something here? I don't understand the logic of the argument to make a lopsided system.

  20. Go ahead and quit, nobody cares.

    Sugah stated it perfectly. So stop smashing your face into your phone and read her post.