Estoc Talk (Whip-around Coverage)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wakebuster, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Hey forumers, Wake here. I was just curious as to what you all have to say about Estoc's Edge Wars. Feel free to boast, *****, suggest, teach, etc all you want. This isn't limited to single topic of EE (ex. Someone who just bitches about matchups)

    Personally, I really enjoy Estoc's Edge. Yes, it's great to win, and yes it blows to lose. But that's how it goes, win some, lose some. Anyway, I just really wanted to hear what you have to say and your opinions on my suggestions/concerns.

    I know this gets a lot of complaints. Personally, I feel that when YOU self KO, then it SHOULDN'T go to the enemy clan. This makes it a **** ton harder to track and allows for more surprise attacks. Also, I do like the idea of being able to choose when you wish to get out of KO. Anywhere between 1-30 mins. I think if one or both of these said options are available, then wars would be much trickier to track players.

    Yeah you get a **** matchup once and a while, it happens. I say deal with it and fight. True, you can't KO LB players with incredible bfa. No point in crying over it. Just fight your hardest and give a friendly wall post afterwards. They simply outmatched you.

    Now, we all love that Green Update but seriously, don't flip out if a teammate gets KO'd, sometimes you truly can't help it and the enemy gets the best of you. Also, if/when you do get KO'd, don't be one if those people who say "DAMN! ******* LAG!". Come on, you can time yourself better than the enemy. True, the lag sucks, but it's no excuse. Also, congratulate your teammates on getting a KO, makes them feel good and ups the moral.

    Now, there is a time and place for this. But honestly, if you can finish the entire war regardless if you're losing, you'll actually gain a lot more respect. If you're down 200b....then well yeah, ff. But just because you're down 40b with 15 mins to go....there isn't an excuse to ff in my opinion.

    These are just a few of my philosophies, I stand by these beliefs and no way in hell do I expect everyone to think this way, hence why I made this thread. What do YOU think about the aspects of EE? Feel free to say anything about it, criticize me, criticize others, blah blah blah.

    As always, it's been a pleasure and thanks for you time :D

    - Wake